Take Wedding traditions and superstitions. On the one hand, the groom should not see the bride's dress before the wedding day. On the other - on a long-standing tradition of Russian bride buys a future mother in law.
It is assumed that the material aspect of the process, it takes over. And he who pays the piper calls the tune. Do not see the offer of future relative hostility. Use this episode as an opportunity to establish a good relationship with her mother in law. Visit the shop with her. It is the store where you have visited before and "almost" choose a dress. Only required her advice.
Be sure she was pleased to approve your choice, throwing off the tedious duty shopping with an unfamiliar girl. And if you offer more and share it with material hardship - it is quite appreciate the delicacy and generosity future daughter. Thus, the tradition will be respected, and your independence will not be affected.
If your future mother in law does not care about the traditions, you can take care of the wedding dress for yourself. Since its purchase - not cheap, the best way - is clubbing between the relatives of the bride, more often, of course, parents.
Better, again following the tradition, to provide the beloved purchase rings. It's not just that the groom to see the bride in her wedding dress before marriage - a bad omen, they say, life is not. And the fact that you have to prepare his favorite surprise. He will see you this, what has never seen, except in a dream. Especially that most men simply shopping contraindicated, even with such a nice goal.
If the groom is sufficient to ensure, that you can just pay for the purchase. And you head to the salon with her friends. From this will enjoy you and your future husband.
The most democratic option - is defying all the conventions and signs, buy wedding dress, to share with your loved ones and material costs, and tedious shopping trips. After all, you do want to be together in joy and in sorrow, in wealth and in poverty. And the fact that he sees the dress - it does not matter. On the day of the wedding will be his main shine your eyes ...