Very rarely a woman by a husband for the first time, do not make the same mistake again. Most often, the second husband has the same qualities and character. Therefore, after a failed marriage better analyze all the disadvantages, re-evaluate their requirements and select the second half on other criteria.
Most divorced ladies to fear repeat of the tragedy, and struggling not to have a serious relationship. Arguing friends and family is that family relationships are bored and do not like marriage. After all, married life is monotonous, falls on the head of a lot of routine things, opinions often differ in the family and their views have to defend. Eternal washing clothes, daily cooking, cleaning and other duties collected a lot of effort. The woman does not want to get into slavery again later novels are usually fleeting and neither are non-binding. Some believe that a break of the first relationship to blame only the second half, it does not happen. Blame both fully.
To decide to get married a second time, you need to clearly understand what is expected of a future husband and that is totally unacceptable. All points in the relationship need to arrange at once, then it will be impossible, because people do not change. Bad habits spouse is unlikely to disappear somewhere on demand.
It would not be sensible decision to get married again just to the child's father was, or because the years go by, and you need to get married. If the home does not have enough men to hammer a nail and fix the faucet, it is quite possible to do by calling a plumber or mechanic.
If you still decided to re-marriage, analyzed the pros and cons of marriage, it is worth to look at your surroundings. Somewhere among the people lost future husband. Maybe it's an employee, neighbor or just an acquaintance. Remember that the new choice does not have to pay for the mistakes of the previous husband. Before going to the registry office to distribute all household duties, discuss possible problems and ways to overcome them. Married only need to go in order to be happy in marriage.