How do you know that he wants to marry me

How do you know that he wants to marry me
 Tying a romantic relationship with a man, a woman always thinks about the future prospects of this alliance. Naturally, most of the women dream of a magnificent wedding ceremony, honeymoon hot island, children and happy family everyday life. But how do you determine the behavior of men, if he really wants to get married or not?
 If your loved one at least once mentioned that he would like to connect my life with you, this is certainly a good sign. The more often he is making plans for your overall joint future, the better. Any woman's good to know that a loved one is considering her candidacy as a potential spouse.

But sometimes it happens that you have long together, and for talking about the wedding should not be absolutely no action. Caught in this situation women are beginning to panic, to sort things out with your loved ones. There are regular scandals, accusations of lying. The girl might suspect a man that he uses it as long until it hits another woman and not spin an affair with her. All this produces the male nervous system and undermines his faith in your future together. In these ways, you risk ruin your relationship, and not bring them to the lawful execution.

To persuade him to marry, we must act gently and carefully. First, look objectively at your relationship. Maybe you and your beloved man now simply can not afford the costs associated with the wedding? Maybe you are registered outstanding loans or you can not postpone money. Men do not consider it necessary to go into debt trap for the professional photographer, wedding dresses, walks through the city center in a limousine and rest in warm countries.

If you have finance, which is enough for a decent wedding, maybe your partner is not absolutely mentally prepared for such a responsible step. Think you are suddenly let my happiness, without giving his beloved proper comfort, love and respect that he so badly needed on the relationship with a woman. Man seeks to marriage only if sure about the second half.

By the way, there is a category of young people who believe marriage is meaningless actions. Such men usually agree to be ringed only when their girl is pregnant. But, of course, the child should plan both partners. Therefore, if you want to clarify all issues relating to the future prospects of your union, then calmly and openly talk about it with her boyfriend. However you should be able to reach a compromise which will suit all.

Tags: man, wedding