The white color of dress

 White - the color of the dream of any girl: Waltz Mendelssohn, subtle cloud veil and white dress of the bride. White men just draws on a subconscious level, a strong half of mankind, it is associated with the naivete and innocence. Women's magazine JustLady held their own color research and found out why the white color is so attractive and so invincible forever.

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If you look back centuries and try to understand the situation, it turns out that white - it is the first color that managed to get the man alone. All natural materials: linen, wool and cotton after treatment have a grayish-brown color. In order to get a dazzling white canvas ancient people would spread in the sun to natural dyes faded. It is understood that such fabrics were valued more expensive and used in the manufacture of elegant clothes.

Since ancient times,white clothes recognized by the color of the highest spiritual principle. In the white went priests of ancient Greece, he is still a major in the ceremonial vestments of Christians and Hindus. Almost all religions, as noted by women's magazine JustLady, white is regarded as a manifestation of the Divine and the beginning of a new life. Not by accident, animals and birds white color were considered sacred and untouchable. The ancient Chinese believed that the white - the color of strength and determination. But the biggest fans of white - is the Egyptians and Bedouins. It is understandable - the bright white color reflects the sun's rays, which are so much in hot countries in the Middle East.

The white color of dress

However, White has not always been the color of life. Indians and Thais still wear their dead in white clothes because they believe that death is the most joyful event in the life of man. Many African tribes "vybelivayut" of their deceased relatives, and Slavs arrived about the same, seeing his last journey relatives.

Fashion on the white came to Russia from Europe Napoleon. Josephine Bonaparte love, loved this color. Indeed, the dark-haired beauty with lily-white skin, he was extraordinary, it was as if out of time, staying young and fresh in every situation. But with the fall of Napoleon and his expulsion, the fashion for white color began to wane gradually giving way to a more colorful clothes. A very long time was almost white color found in the high society of poverty.

However, White did not leave the front of the stage. In the XIX century among urban women, particularly chic was to have white petticoats, lavishly trimmed with lace. A little earlier in vogue finest white shawl French masters in Russia enjoyed a special love of Orenburg shawls beleyshego down.

In the twentieth century, when the woman began to play economically significant role, have become a fashion designer in their collections white blouses, as a symbol of discipline and determination. And now, for over a centurywhite clothes do not give up its position in the world of fashion and beauty.

White, after nearly a century of dominance of gray and black in the former USSR, is perceived as a holiday. But the celebration and can spoil, if you approach it without a sober calculation.

First, the white color full. It is necessary to remember the ladies with feminine shapes.

Second, if you do not choose the right shade, the dull appearance and a bad mood provided.

Thirdly, according to JustLady,white clothes can be worn only if you believe that unforeseen disasters, such as: rain, dust, flying cakes and presented bouquets, not to stain the splendor.

This yearwhite clothes as relevant as ever. Needless to say, that it is indispensable on a hot sunny day. Be all in white - from shoes to hats - special glamor of the approaching summer. Only need to remember one detail - a little brightness accessories not hurt when you create the effect of lightness and purity. Especially if you - not the bride.

According to the women's site JustLady dress exclusively in white can afford only very courageous people with a perfect figure. But if you hide the beauty of the people is not included in your plans, the spring-summer 2010 ready to make you happy. Boudoir style proposed by Jean Paul Gaultier, Marc Jacobs, as well as D & G, could not be brighter youth and emphasize the immediacy of the young ladies.

The white color of dress
The white color of dress
The white color of dress
The white color of dress
The white color of dress

Elie Saab generally invited all the ladies to play the role of the Snow Queen. He is probably the only designer who created the entire collection in the snow colors. The rest of the trendsetters were not as monochrome and, recognizing the greatness of white, offered little "paint" its parts and combinations with other colors.

The most advantageous option - black and white combination. Depending on the model and cut it can be exclusively working clothes, and maybe an original evening gown. According to the women's site JustLady, at least one thing in this combination in every woman's wardrobe should be.

Well, of course, without which it can not do any one fashionista - a white blouse. Designers suddenly remembered about the details of clothes and gave the right to choose. Blouse can be with sequins, satin, silk or cotton. It integrates seamlessly with another hit of the season - a female tuxedo.

But by itself - white is always the most fashionable for a wedding. Fashion wedding dresses this year is amazing, beautiful and feminine. Once relegated to the background so popular last year colored dresses.The white color of dressAs a symbol of chastity and youth - proudly walks on the podium this year.

The white color of dress

 Natalia Toropova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: clothing, costume