Retro Makeup: A Journey through the eras

Retro Makeup: A Journey through the eras
 Admit it: looking at old photos, you often find yourself thinking that before women were more beautiful ... Definitely confirm or refute this impression possible. Probably the best environment, food, and generally more active lifestyle really gave flirt past special charm. Nor should we discount the uniqueness of cinematographic and photographic images of the past century: the contrasting black and white tones any of us would add mystery and charm! And, of course, retro makeup and hairstyles - it is difficult to resist the classical femininity smooth skin, covered with shady eyelashes eyes, dark lips, carefully stacked curls. Recognizable techniques retro make-up and are ready to render us a nice service, helping to create a win-win attracting attention look. Let's talk about it in the pages of women's magazine JustLady?

No matter what style of years you want to play: forretro makeup the main thing - flawless base. A person should resemble carved ivory, to be perfectly smooth and inimitably sculptured. On such a "canvas" lie any way!

Using the base under makeup, concealer and powder rassypnuju satin, must be carefully primed face, including eyelids and lips. Choose a concealer that is lighter than your base by a semitone, and use it to carefully mask shadows and circles in podglazyah, areas under the eyebrows, nose and wings fold between the chin and lip. Loose powder deposited large natural brush, give the tone of the face uniformity and dullness. Blush as such divas of the past did not use, and then you can help a little trick: use loose powder to tone darker core (you can use mineral with very moderate shine) to gently emphasize and sculptured cheekbones, the "edge" of the nose and the tip of the chin. The skin is ready to sprayretro makeup!

Retro Makeup: A Journey through the eras

Retro-look in any style distinguished mystical, deep eyes. Gently emphasize a clear line of eyebrows dark gray soft pencil - eyebrows should not lose naturalness, or together with it, they will lose their class.Retro Makeup eye and asks false eyelashes; but in their absence the maximum effect will ensure a good mascara and curling tongs. This tiny tool allows you to "crank up" even the most nondescript his short cilia - try it yourself! And before leaving drip into the eyes of a pair of drops "Vizzini" - it will remove redness, make eye shine.

Retro Makeup: A Journey through the eras

Retro Makeup: A Journey through the eras

Retro Makeup: A Journey through the eras

We know that the beauty of the past with the screens and smiling Photo Full inviting lips, but how to achieve this effect inretro makeup today? Lipstick and gloss is not enough, there are a few secrets. For example, in a retro makeup actual so-called "Cupid's bow," that is underlined and slightly adjusted (in imitation of the said bow) curve of the upper lip. To achieve the desired shape, use a primer and lip liner saturated, harmonizing with the lipstick color.

If you create a look in the style of the first decades of the last century, give up the brilliant effect, a lipstick started to use closer to the 50 th year. To make the "right" matte satin lips, "draw" the shape of a pencil, then gently shade the lips, apply lipstick with a thin brush and powder the mouth on top of blush. Suchretro makeup lip surprise you with its resistance. For lacquer effect instead of blush, apply a shine, but do not forget that it should be updated from time to time.

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Retro makeup style 20's, 30's, 40's ...

In the twenties of the last century beauties chose powder on the lighter shade of your own skin tone. Rouge also used, oddly enough, was the favorite shade of orange .... However, the lip is also often used carrot lipstick. What can I say - the color itself is not without a certain ardor, but pale skin and adorns some shades of tooth enamel, remember this. Also very popular lipstick was thick, rich berry shades - raspberry, cherry, color wax.

Eyebrows in the twenties of the twentieth century were for the most part one, clearly incised line, thin at the ends and thicker in the middle. Eyes trace the pencil and gently rubbed the whole line for smoky effect.

Retro Makeup: A Journey through the eras

In the thirties, the most fashionable shades of skin tones persons were "Gardenia" (wax light, slightly yellow) and "Tea Rose" (ivory with a light pink midtone). Then in cosmetics appeared greenish powder, allowing effectively mask the redness. Hair was removed from the face up, to show eyebrows - plucked a thread or even shaved and painted on the way to be a near-perfect half-circles, far beyond the real. Eyelids smeared with petroleum jelly or jelly petroleumnym to achieve uniform colorless shine. Red lipstick in a variety of shades start their winning streak. In vogue full lips, and cosmetics helped achieve a new pattern of mouth - to replace the "Cupid's bow" came "bud".

Retro Makeup: A Journey through the eras

In the fortiesretro makeup proclaimed his style is natural, but, of course, natural beauty had to meet certain standards. For example, beauty ceased to shave his eyebrows, but continued to pull out their subtle enough, though observing nature close proportions (above the inner corner of your eye brow was thicker gradually taper off to the temple). Eyes emphasized using mascara, eyeliner very fine lines and light gray or light brown shades. Dark red lipstick on soft full lips was a real must-hevom retro makeup of those years.

Retro makeup like Audrey Hepburn and Sophia Loren

Each era had its last queen, female, embodies the spirit of the time. Today we want to be like these divas, whose beauty was immortal sample. This can be achieved by using aretro makeup style divas of the past.

In a rare Soviet apartment was not cut out from a magazine portrait of Italian actress Sophia Loren! This sultry woman turned their irregular facial features in real brand name - she was worshiped, she imitated. Style Sophia Loren - cat, overtly-sexual. To create a retro makeup, you need gold powder or foundation, brown and black eye shadow, liquid eyeliner or flomasternaya, mascara, lipstick shade nude.

After graduating with a base under makeup, emphasize cheekbones and nose edge using gold powder - it will create the effect of "the kiss of the sun", typical of the Italian film star. Apply a light brown shade on the lash line using a flat stiff brush, as if slightly "clapping". Liquid eyeliner carefully draw arrows to maximize the middle of the century to the outer corner. Line liner strengthen and soften with the help of black shadows. Densely nakraste and tighten up the lashes. Complete retro makeup, lipstick lipstick skin color.

The embodiment of elegance and aristocracy, Audrey Hepburn became famous for its huge "deer" eyes and porcelain skin. Capture it elegant coquetry with the following tricksretro makeup.

No need to try to accurately simulate the famous dark sable brows Audrey: easy to overdo it, and then the eyebrows are too rough. Just emphasize drawing their own with the help of shadows and brushes, slightly expanding their shape.

Skulpturiruyte face with a very light shade of plum or pink-brown blush.
Apply a light shade-highlighter under the brow and white pencil, draw a line-Kayal Inland century. This will increase the optical and open the eyes. To make the almond-shaped eyes, like Audrey Hepburn, easy draw divergent and thicken to the temples of the arrow using a black eyeliner and apply over the dark brown shade to create the effect of light haze. Favorite shade of lipstick Audrey Hepburn was a dusty rose color - creamy pink with a light grayish-brown midtone. Use it to give your retro makeup finishing touch of confidence.

Retro Makeup: A Journey through the eras

Retro Makeup: A Journey through the eras

Olga mob
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: style, travel, retro, era