Life on the heels, or all of the high heels

 Contrary to popular belief about the variability of female nature, the novel continues with high heels in the beautiful half of humanity for several hundred years. Heels give femininity, ennoble figure makes you feel life is to "one hundred percent." They are fashionable, beautiful and dangerous weapon of female attractiveness.

The history of your heel.

The name of the inventor of the first high heels, unfortunately, remains a mystery story. Also unknown date so important invention. It is believed that prototypes heels appeared in France in the early 16th century. At this time, shoemakers have done in the sole small slot that facilitates placement of the foot in the stirrup when riding.

Accordingly, the thickness of the sole had to be increased, and, it was under the heel. Since riding in the Middle Ages remained the prerogative of the male, then the first high heel shoes were created for men. A century later, the practice of creating heels and moved to regular shoes for men of the upper classes. In those days, the height of the heel of the male is 6-8 centimeters!

As for women's shoes, the first attention to an interesting invention drew spouse Duke of Orleans -Catherine de Medici. In 1533, she ordered
cobbler pair of designer shoes with heels, to emphasize its high status in society.

Shoes Catherine de Medici were performed on wooden platforms, inflated under the heel. Soon, fashion high heels covered the whole French aristocracy. However, after the French Revolution, high heels were long forgotten as a symbol of social inequality. It was only in the late 19th century high heel again attracted the attention of fashion, but as a symbol of female attractiveness.

Why we love so much?

Woman in high heels transformed before our eyes, that's why men feel the heel one of the coolest characters. What happens when we put on high heels?

• First of all, we are on the heels above.
• To stay on the heels, we have to straighten your shoulders and move the center of gravity on the lower back, which gives the figure a more confident and open view.
• Choosing the right form of shoe heels shoes visually lengthens the leg, making them more attractive to the opposite sex.
• When walking in high heels body has to constantly balance, which leads to the swinging hips from side to side. This gait is crazy, not only fans of high fashion, but also ordinary connoisseurs of female beauty.
• The higher the heel, the shorter our steps, giving more feminine gait, "flying, floating" look.

To arrange a variety of heels, made their categorization. For example, in shape. It can be "wine glasses", "stud", "wedge", "platform", etc.

Funds are also three types of heels on their height. Thus, a low heel considered to 6 centimeters in height, medium - from 8.5 to 6 centimeters. And finally, the high heel - it is more 8.5 centimeters.

It's worth noting that the length of the heel is measured not from the floor, and the height from the base of the foot under the toes. The fact is that many designers make the sole under the fingers rather thick, up to 2-3 cm. This can further raise the foot and make the person above.

In such a shoe heel can reach lengths of 11 inches from the floor to the heel, but is actually raised heel compared with no toe 11, and 8-9 centimeters.

Fashionable, beautiful, ... dangerous.

Disease of high heels while not included in medical reference books, but actively developing cosmetic and surgical procedures that are designed to eliminate or at least adjust the unpleasant consequences of wearing high heels.

Why is it dangerous heels?

When walking on a flat sole human body weight is evenly distributed on the foot without causing congestion on its individual parts. When we put the heel on the heel, toes and toe are overstretched.

Thus, it is shown that when the height of the heel only 2-3 cm, toe load increases by 22% compared with the norm. When the heel height reaches 6-7 cm, the toe maintains a double burden!

It is difficult to imagine how fragile joints and bones of the toe to cope with this task. Not surprisingly, that regular walking on heels involves at least a dozen unpleasant consequences.

• corns, perhaps, the most harmless and the most common charge high heel. Corns usually formed under the toe of the high load on the area and poor circulation. As a result, the skin dries, thickens, ogrubevaet. Fortunately, corns can be eliminated if we go for shoes with a flat sole and spend a few cosmetic procedures for the foot.

• Constant friction shoes on your toes with circulatory disorders leads to a weakening of the nail plate, slowing their growth, the emergence of irregularities. Uncomfortable shoes provokes cracking nail fungus and resettlement.

• An experienced eye can detect on a lover of high heels. At constant walking in high heels bones of the toes are flattened, pressed into toe shoes. This leads to flattening and expansion of the toes (called "hammerto" molotoobraznoe flattening or toes), inflammation of the joints frequently occur in this zone.

• The deformation of the Achilles tendon occurs when the heel is constantly on the heels. When the Achilles tendon is raised, it does not feel sprains, becomes rigid, loses its elasticity. With these changes in walking flat shoes or no shoes just brings discomfort.

• The emergence of shishkoobraznogo swelling on the heel may also be due to high heels. Rigid frame shoes are constantly in contact with the heel, which leads to irritation and inflammation of the heel area. Over time, this process becomes chronic and change the appearance of the foot, which can only be corrected by surgery.

• Morton's neuromas - growth and hypersensitivity of the nerves in the toes due to wearing tight shoes. This condition leads to severe pain and numbness in the fingertips when you try to put your feet in narrow shoes.

• Metatarsalgiya often accompanies Morton's neuromas. When metatarsalgii felt stress and nagging pain in the forefoot. For the correction of pain using injections of painkillers. The effect of such injections provides a painless existence for 9-10 months. True, the cost of the procedure is a few hundred dollars.

• If the above symptoms can be felt or seen, the hidden cracks and fractures of the foot are often overlooked. Only with age, when the pain in the legs becomes unbearable, it turns out that the root cause of chronic inflammation has become a hidden fracture or crack the bones of the foot (most often - the fingers or their articulation with the foot).

• knee osteoarthritis and low back pain is related to high heels. Such violations is difficult to adjust, so better to do prevention.

Healthy approach to an old friend.

With the right approach to high heels dangerous affair may end up a reliable partnership, without risk to health. And So,how to choose shoes with heels and how to maintain it?

To perform daily job duties should choose low-heeled shoes - no more than 2-3 inches. Medium or high heels can be allowed only in case if you do not have to stand for several hours and it is possible to periodically take off your shoes, giving the feet rest.

Doctors recommend wearing medium and high heels no more than 3-4 hours a day. Well, if every 2 hours you will take off your shoes and foot massage or conduct a mini-gym. For a warm-up enough to pull your toes over, then pull them as much as possible.

So you activate blood circulation toe, eliminating the effects of high heels. It is also recommended to make a few steps on a flat surface without shoes to train the Achilles tendon.

Generally, choosing shoes with heels, you should carefully weigh the "pros" and "cons". Fashionable silhouette may not fit you exactly. Thus, a rough flat sole is not good for low girls, it is visually heavier shape flattens it. At the same time very elegant high heels - a bad choice for overweight because they do not provide the necessary support.

Acquiring high-heeled shoes, evaluate their potential. Put on both shoes, stand up straight and try to sit up on his toes so that the distance between the heel and the floor was not less than 2 centimeters. If this trick can not afford, so the height of the heel is too high for you.

Note that with age our feet slightly stretched and become wider, so the size is suitable to you a few years ago, it may be small.

It is important to try on shoes before buying it and walk around the store. Also interesting to draw the imprint of your foot on the paper and then see how the width of the foot corresponds to the width of shoes purchased.

If the difference is striking, the foot will experience severe congestion, and the purchase should be abandoned. Try to buy only the shoes, which immediately feel comfortable. The hope is that the shoes are spread, "sit down" on the leg does not make good our footsteps.

 Going to the store, look for the evening. The day our feet swell slightly, so the chances to choose really suitable comfortable shoes increased.

Tags: heel height, status, shoe, stiletto