How to protect shoes from the salt

How to protect shoes from the salt
 If you are tired to throw expensive and beautiful boots just because once again they are petrified leg and they do not fit, listen to a few tips for footwear in the winter season. This is especially true of how to protect shoes from the damaging effects of salt, which is treated roads and sidewalks. Even the most expensive boots with reverent care is very difficult to protect against external agents.
 In winter, keep the shoes from the salt is almost impossible. Wherever you go on the roads and sidewalks will appear sand-salt mixture of ice and to prevent accidents. This will greatly suffer and deteriorate our shoes. You can try to avoid processed roads, but unfortunately, it is very difficult to do in the city.

Salt penetrates into the shoe along with the moisture. It is absorbed and gradually destroys the boots or shoes. When drying shoes you can see the characteristic white marks - this is serving salt. To keep the shoes from the salt, it is necessary first of all to protect it from moisture. For suede shoes, you can use special impregnation. It is colorless and protects the shoes are not only salt but also, most importantly, away from moisture.

It is recommended to lubricate shoes linseed or castor oil - and at the seams, and the part of the sole. So moisture will be difficult to penetrate and be absorbed. There is a wonderful way - lubricate the joints with a mixture of wax and mutton fat.

Care for shoes you need in a timely manner. As soon as you come home at night, wash your shoes dry and clean the special tool.

Should immediately wash away the salt leather shoes, after returning home. Try to wipe dry, treat with a special compound or shoe polish. Dry the shoes properly, you can use newspapers - tamp them boots and leave to dry under ambient temperatures. Ideally would be if you can not enjoy a few days of footwear, and give it to dry thoroughly.

Newspapers as moisture can be changed. Paper absorbs moisture and thus allows you to save the form and type of footwear. Cream should be handled in the evening to leather shoes in the morning softened, not cracked and had a nice view. Before going out, you can bring the look of the shoe to perfection, giving luster polishing cloth or a special cloth with a nap. With correct and careful care of your shoes will last you a long time.

Tags: Shoes, salt