How to dress for a wedding

How to dress for a wedding
 At the moment when you hand over the wedding invitation, you will immediately accept congratulate newlyweds, then remember your plans for the upcoming date, then answer yes. It was only after a couple of hours thinking about how to dress for the wedding.

The first rule - ask not to be themed wedding? If it is a thematic - learn the topic and the choice of clothes is repelled from it.

Second - not only in white. The head of the festival - the bride and she should be released.

Third - attire should be comfortable. Clothes should not hamper your movements. You must be comfortable all day: in the registry office, in a restaurant, while dancing.

Fourth - dress for the season. If warm season, taking with him a jacket or cape. In the evening can become cold, and you freeze, watching fireworks, or on the way home. If the season is cool to think about possible undress when warmed up during the dance.

Clothing should you like. If there are defects in shape, try as much as possible to hide all the flaws with the help of clothes. Cut and color of your top aides. And it does not mean that it is necessary to "hide" themselves into the bag. It is better to emphasize the advantages of the figure, and then around to pay attention to these areas.

Do not abuse the jewelry. Everything should be modest and refined.

Pay special attention to your shoes. It must be combined with your outfit. Simultaneously, shoes should be comfortable on a small heel. Do not wear new shoes immediately to the celebration. Walk around in it for a week before the holiday event. Eliminate the possibility of rubbing calluses.

Pick a dress handbag: to combined with clothing and footwear, and to be able to put in her makeup bag, wallet, phone, keys, handkerchief ...

Pick a hairstyle: a simple and elegant at the same time. And the perfume should not be too sharp and saturated. Do not abuse its quantity. Otherwise, people will not be able to dance with you and communicate.

And do not forget that the most beautiful and stunning on the day of the celebration is to be the bride. And you're going to share the happiness of the newlyweds, and thus, in the first place - their tastes, desires and needs.

Tags: wedding dress