High heels - the beauty or self-harm?

High heels - the beauty or self-harm?
 Beautiful legs in shoes like probably all men. A woman knows this and that is why putting shoes on the elegant heels, while internally boosting their self-esteem and feeling especially feminine and seductive. In the shoes or boots with high heels even gait and posture change: you can not walk in these shoes, hunched or "sailor step"! On the other hand, many women complain that after the heels legs ache as grandmothers, stood in line for sausage. What to do? Does the beauty of the victims?

More than half of the male population of the planet will necessarily look back and watched the woman on her high heels. The secret of this appeal "okabluchennogo" silhouette that visually heels make women's legs are longer and extremely slim figure. In addition, according to research by Italian scientists, women, walking in heels, produced a large amount of endorphins - the hormone of happiness. In Europe, even being treated for stress with shoe heels, helping women to walk properly and stay, providing an opportunity to feel the fatal temptress.

But in the case with elegant shoes on heels, there is a downside. Heels can deform the foot, causing serious orthopedic disorders, as well as to provoke disease, such as varicose veins. In addition, frequent walking in high heels can cause other illnesses:

• DC voltage spine;
• Increased load on the muscles;
• Shifting the center of gravity;
• Corns, calluses, swelling of the feet;
• Flat feet and bending the toes and feet.

Despite all these "pugalki", women and at all times, ready to sacrifice health for men and prefer the beauty and style of health. However, and tired feet, swollen (especially in hot weather) after a hard day, you can help: in this case will be a good tool fifteen-minute foot bath. They can do with sea salt, essential oils and herbs. After a bath, rub the feet with a pumice stone or foot scrub, but the corn should be removed only in the beauty salon or clinic.

Remove the swelling and help special foot compresses. So, you can mix 4 tablespoons of yogurt with a teaspoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of honey, stir, put on gauze or thin, soft cloth and wrap compress feet for half an hour. Then you need to rinse the feet with water at room temperature.

Make the skin smooth and soothe feet "buzzing" legs help herbal compresses infusion of succession or chamomile. These packs are applied to the feet warm, wrapped plastic bags, and even better - put on top of warm socks polyethylene. Remove the wrap can be an hour, after which the foot, especially heels, lubricate nourishing cream.

Tags: heel, beauty, woman, self-harm