How to stretch your shoes at home

How to stretch your shoes at home
 Often shoes, put on some time after the expiry of the guarantee, are cramped and uncomfortable. In such a situation, when the exchange or return them to the store is no longer possible, it is necessary to use ingenuity to save your feet from the torment. Stretch tight shoes half a size it is possible in the home, but if possible better still refer to this problem in a shoe shop.  
 Apply to places that need stretching, special spray that gives elasticity of the material and does not leave streaks and contours. Suede and patent leather shoes treat the inside, and leather - from the outside. Put on your shoes and walk around in it for 10 minutes. If you have the opportunity, use instead raznashivaniya special stretcher is a wooden block in the shape of the foot.

Tamp tight shoes wet newsprint and leave it inside to dry completely. Drip on the site that you shakes, hot wax from candles and putting shoes on a special pad, keep this form for a few days. Fill the shoes a little alcohol or cologne, wear it and soak alcohol on top, so that the skin was stretched and took the shape of your foot. To do this, you will need to vilify her for 1-2 hours.

Dampen a towel in hot water and wring well. Wrap it tight shoes for a few minutes. Grease a hard shoes inside and outside with castor oil or cod liver oil, then clean woolen cloth or brush and try to carry it home. Wet wool socks in hot water and put them under the shoes. Walk around the apartment for a while until you feel that the skin is stretched.

Stretch leather shoes, showering her with boiling water. Drain excess water and chilled break in shoes to dry completely. If rigid backs shoes rub your leg, moisten them with alcohol. Spacing shoes will be better to stay on the foot, if you paste the inner surface of the backdrop strip of foam or velvet.

All of the above methods of stretching, except for aerosol treatment, able to withstand a natural leather, so do not spend such experiments with other materials in the best case they remain highly visible stains. But, most likely, shoes lose its presentation due to disruption of the structure of the material.

Tags: domestic, condition, size, means stretching, shoes, shoe