How to fix a zipper on boots

How to fix a zipper on boots
 Zastezhki- "lightning" in the boots and not only they tend to break down at the worst possible moment. But even if you take the time to work or an important meeting, it is not necessary frantically look for another pair of shoes. It is not excluded that it will be possible to fix the clasp in a few minutes.
 Remember few simple secrets that will help you fix the "harmful" buckle easily. For example, if the metal "lightning" broken (parted), it suffices to take the pliers and squeeze a little using them slider to the castle began to work as before. And if it still begins to diverge, take a hammer and prostuchite it upwards (or downwards - does not matter) on the outside and the inside of the shoe.

Whimsical plastic buckles on the boots sometimes begin to disperse themselves, regardless of how long you're wearing boots. To prevent this, undo the "lightning", soak her teeth with a solution of rosin in alcohol and leave in this way for about two hours to make it dry. Then check how reliable working clasp, and eventually repeat the procedure.

If the situation is much worse - of "lightning" jumped clove, repair will last a little longer. Take a needle with a large eye (you can even darning), insert it in the fishing line. Make fallen tooth in place one or two stitches. Check how to "walk" slider, and if all is well, safely shoes.

So you do not have problems in the future, through a series of preventive measures. From time to time to polish the "lightning" unnecessary toothbrush, periodically inspect the teeth, walk on them or paraffin wax candles. Secure the tab lock loop of thread in the color of the boots neatly sewn with their inner side, and then the shoes will not be unfastened when walking.

Do not worry if the slider on the "lightning" broke. Replacement of "lightning" best left to professionals, but until that time - insert into place runner ordinary paperclip or try to acquire the same by contacting the sewing shop. Number needed you the details you can look at her back. Be careful not to break, bend the clasp stop using wire cutters. Put a new item at the same place and on top - limiter.

Tags: boots, zip, zip, tongue