How to clean leather shoes with salt

How to clean leather shoes with salt
 Winter shoes subjected to intense not only cold, but also salt, which in large amounts roll in on the road. To favorite leather boots or shoes will last longer care for them should be thorough and systematic.
 Remember that it is always easier to prevent than to fight. Therefore, every evening as a preventive Apply to clean shoes polish that makes the skin smooth and does not allow the salt particles linger on it. Then use a water-repellent spray that protects the skin from absorbing salt solution.

If possible, carry a purse Special cleaning foam and cloth with which you can remove salt from shoes, while it was still soaked, for example, when you walked on the sidewalk sprinkle to work.

If unsightly white stains still appeared to fix the problem will help you: water, multi-ply paper napkins or towels, a small piece of clean cloth and plain vinegar. First, try to remove all visible shoes large salt particles. Wipe the surface with a damp cloth and brush strip joints. Mix the water and vinegar in the ratio 2: 1, and then soak in the resultant solution napkins. Carefully and gently clean the damaged shoes, trying to remove all the white spots. Use a cloth to dry the surface of the shoe. After a while, when the shoe is completely dry, apply the cream and water-repellent impregnation.

If the first time you remove the salt completely failed, repeat the procedure. In some cases, you can help sunflower or castor oil, which must be applied to the soiled shoes and leave until completely absorbed. Also a good means of getting rid of blooming is alcohol. Moisten a cotton ball to them, and then wipe the boots or shoes along the lines of divorce.

Try to clean the shoes of salt immediately as soon as you get home, because the longer stand for shoes dirty, the harder you will continue to return to her previous form. Also, do not try to get rid of the salt is diluted with raw cloth, because that way you only spoil shoes without clearing it.

Tags: Shoes, salt