Coat of beaver. And who is this beaver?

Coat of beaver. And who is this beaver?
 Coats and hats from beaver fur products in stores sold quite often. This mysterious animal fur is smooth, dense and with a fairly short nap. The guard and down the villi are equal in length, and they are much shorter than that of a rabbit. Products made of beaver there, but the animal with the same name in nature, and nothing to do with the beaver fur has not.  
 Coat of beaver and beaver fur coat from - it's not the same thing. Products from Beaver found in retail outlets is not so often. This fur is very expensive, because beavers are listed as endangered, and breed them in captivity have not yet learned. If a person buys a fur coat, it's usually wears her for fifteen years, and even more, and the fur does not lose species. Beaver fur coats from a more or less affordable, but worn an average of about five years.

Beaver - a rabbit. But Rex rabbit special breed - the royal. It is also called chinchilla. There is even a legend that this breed has turned from crossing rabbit chinchilla. But it is not. This breed was taken in France at the beginning of the last century. The animals had a wonderful color and unusual structure of fur. Their skins were red-brown, with darker back and lighter sides, like a beaver. Therefore, a new breed was named "Castor Rex", which means "king of the beavers." The fur on the structure most resembles chinchilla, although he was a little thicker and coarser.

Manufacturers fur products very soon appreciate the advantages of the new fur. Villi are perpendicular to the skin, the guard down and have the same length, so the fur seems more even than that of other breeds of rabbits. At the touch of the pile is soft and gentle.

Initially rex rabbits bred mainly in Spain. And to this day beaver coats made in this country, are considered the best. However, this does not mean that the chinchilla rabbits can not live in other countries. They are bred in Russia, but in the last few decades, a significant portion of fur of the animal enters the world market from China.

The popularity of the product is due to beaver successful combination of price and quality. Coats of fur such a pretty practical, they carry great vagaries of weather, including heavy frost or sleet. They are quite warm, but with proper care preserve appearance and quality is much longer than usual for this type of product of five years. The fact that the skin of chinchilla rabbit is quite thick, so in preparation for cutting skins stretched. This feature of the technology and provides the necessary margin of safety.

Beaver called and thick, very warm cloth. It is based on a coarse wool serge. It turns fleece, which gives the product of a material excellent thermal insulation properties.

Tags: coat, beast, beaver