Choosing low-heeled shoes

Choosing low-heeled shoes
 Doctors say that high heels - the cause of many diseases! And also warn that flat shoes, is no less dangerous to health. My favorite shoes orthopedists - a low-heeled shoes. Look for them and you.

Low-heeled shoes are versatile in that suit almost any style of clothing. They perfectly complement a business suit, and help out on the weekends. From orthopedic standpoint optimum heel height should be 3-5 cm, in this case, the load between the heel and the toe is evenly distributed.

But for a comfortable fit is important, not only the height of the heel itself, but also the material from which made shoes. In general, it is recommended to choose the shoes only from natural materials - a leather or suede, suitable for summer and textile shoes. Minus the last that they are gathering dust and dirty quickly. Remove any dirt with them at the same time much more difficult than with leather shoes, alternatively they can be washed, which, of course, their appearance is unlikely to improve.

Shoes made of synthetic materials is better not to consider at all, even if the price is very beautiful legs in them tend to perspire.

Recently shoe manufacturers offer shoes with the special function mitigation steps. For example, the German company «Tamaris» developed a special system «ANTIshok», which gives the heel cushioning effect. This reduces the load on the spine, intervertebral discs and articular apparatus, and feet in these shoes much less tired.

And, of course, choosing shoes at a store, do not forget the female folk wisdom: seven times Pomeroy, one - buy. Choose shoes in size, and so will your feet always beautiful and healthy.

Tags: heels, shoes, shoe, artichoke