Jeans-Varenkov: back to the future

Jeans-Varenkov: back to the future
 Fashion - highly variable phenomenon. And, perhaps, difficult to call as much a universal thing in the wardrobe like jeans. They do not go out of fashion ever. Jeans-Varenkov once so fashionable at that girl alone tried to make them at home. Today, they are sold in any shop.

No wonder they say that fashion is cyclical. Over time, repeated the main trends that were at the peak of popularity in certain years. If we talk about the 2011 season, then returned to our 80th. with their jeans-Varenko.

They got their name because of the technology of fashion divorces. Twisted jeans, drag in different places thread or rubber bands and then digested in bleach, bluing, vinegar solution or other artful compositions. After drying in places creases paint is washed away, and elsewhere, by contrast, takes on a different hue.

Although this method of producing jeans-varenok required some skill, he had a definite advantage. The resulting patterns were unique for each pair of trousers, and every Varenkov were truly unique in its kind.

The difference between jeans boiled those years and this season is that during the Soviet period clothing digested in various media houses themselves. And now ready jeans with stains can be easily bought in any store.

The most current colors for the 2011 season varenok - is dark blue and black, with sharp contrasts of white and colored streaks. But other colors are also used by designers in this year, for example, brick or dark gray.

Jeans can be cooked any style. This year, the relevant tight jeans. Pipes, tubes, Sliema, skinny - you can call them in different ways, but their essence remains one - very tight encirclement silhouette. These jeans are more like leggings, so they can decide on the winner of the only perfect slim figure.

Popular and quite the opposite type varenok - the so-called boyfriend jeans. These jeans for a cut close to his men, quite freely sit in the figure, but in combination with an elegant top and heels give your image of femininity.

Tags: future, jeans, Varenkov