How to sew breeches

How to sew breeches
 Fashion - lady capricious. In it appear and disappear certain things. Breeches have the same fate. They appeared two centuries ago and now again at the height of fashion.
 Breeches, like many other fancy things come to us from France. They were invented by accident, like all brilliant. This happened in the 19th century. General named Galliffet seriously injured in battle and could no longer wear tight uniforms. He was popular, and he was often invited to balls. Then he ordered a special pants - wide at the hips and narrowed at the knee. Trousers General Galliffet furor, and soon the whole of France, and then Europe began to wear them. And called them simply by the name of this general - Galliffet pants. But first, these pants were worn only by men, but in the early 20th century, they began to use women for riding. The ancestor of this mode was the incomparable Coco Chanel. But really this kind of pants became popular only in the 80s of the 20th century.

Now designers are offering us many kinds of breeches: denim, knitwear, sports, martial. Narrow at the knees as they are, and at the ankles. Particularly relevant in this model, further details of the volume, with drapery.

To make riding breeches need pattern. Patterns can be found on the Internet, but it's better if you do it will draw.

So, remove the measurements: a) waist circumference; b) The girth of the hips; c) girth legs below the knee; g) girth caviar; e) ankle girth. All measurements are made in the skin-tight and add 2-3 cm.

Next, measure the length of the side of the leg (from waist to floor) and the length of the legs on the inner surface and from the waist to the knee.

Breeches can be long or shorter. If you do a pattern of short breeches, then measure the volume of the ankle is not necessary.

Once the pattern is ready, move it to the fabric. Breeches can be sewn in various fabrics, such as cotton or silk neutral colors. When cutting do not forget to leave a few inches to the allowances.

If you sew breeches with pockets, then sew them in the first place, before you sew trouser leg. Baste the details of the planned lines, putting them face each other. After this, sew decorative belt and additional details, then the zipper and buttons. Sew all the seams on the sewing machine and overlock treat.

Breeches commonly worn with boots or jockey boots. Top must be fitted and in any case not the volume.

Tags: breeches, trousers, pants, pattern