How to make a smart shoes out of the ordinary

How to make a smart shoes out of the ordinary
 Every girl will find an old pair of shoes that were already tired. Imagine that from old shoes can make a work of art, you just spend a little bit of free time to transform seemingly already unfashionable shoes.  

Option 1.
Take an old pair of shoes and tamp their newspaper, in order not to spoil the inner layer, and now dye their bronze paint from a container. Once the paint is dry, take rhinestones and glue them on the heel in a checkerboard pattern. Also, decorate with sequins and capes shoes. Rhinestones better pick in tone paint, that is golden hue that did not work too gaudy.

Option 2
Also, old shoes can be trendy, making the heel around the curtain of chains. Take the old shoes, heel they should be high, chain, knife, pliers, six spikes with rings.

Scalpel and make a hole in the heel area at the beginning of the heel. The hole should be three on each shoe, place them symmetrically (one in the center of the heel, the other two at a distance of 2-3 cm from the right and left of it). Now insert the pins into the hole and fasten them to hold fast. Now hook the ring on a chain and spikes shoes ready!

Option 3
Order of boring shoes can be revived using acrylic paints. First color heel in bronze color in a couple of layers. Now take the path (acrylic or ceramic and glass) and apply a pattern. For a picture, you can use stencils or else draw something yourself. Alternatively, you can stick to drawing crystals, then will have more colorful. Just remember that in order for the paint has dried, you should wait about a day, and you can safely go out!

Option 4
If you are unsure of your fork as a designer, then there is an easier way to transform old shoes. The stores sell special removable accessory shoe. This can be leggings, clips, bracelets and straps. Thanks to them, you can easily and effortlessly be able to add glamor to any pair of shoes boring.

Tags: shoes, spike shoe