How to look expensive

How to look expensive
 Look expensive dream of every woman. But this does not necessarily spend a lot of money on clothes and accessories. It suffices to choose your style, know his own worth and know how to look "one hundred percent" for minimum money. Adhering to certain rules, you can always look expensive and stylish.

With accessories you can make the most inexpensive ensemble expensive and elegant. Therefore, the accessories you need to focus on. They can not save. Choosing clothes, you should prefer natural fabrics. Things look cheap synthetics, stick to the body and cause unnatural sweating.
By the choice of shoes should be approached seriously. Shoes have to be expensive and elegant.

As for jewelry, it is better to give preference to jewelery than jewelry.

Buy cheap things can be expensive at discount stores, outlets or during sales.

To look expensive and stylish, you must:

1. Always wear clean and ironed clothes.
2. Pick up the clothes in size.
3. When shopping, give preference to things in a classic style, they are always in fashion.
4. Do not spare money on the shoes - it must be expensive.
5. Pay special attention to makeup. Makeup should be discreet and to emphasize the dignity of your face.
6. Ensure hands. It is impossible to look expensive, with well-groomed hands. You can wear a French manicure or nail varnish coat of neutral tones.
7. Do not forget about the hair. Hair should always be clean and stacked.
8. It's nice to smell.

There are things you can not do under any circumstances:

1. Wear a big plastic earrings and other jewelry plastic - is bad form.
2. Wear too much jewelry at the same time.
3. Apply to face "war paint". Woman with bright makeup looks catchy tasteless and cheap.
4. Combine clothing incongruous color.
5. dresses in bright tights with large patterns and prints.
6. wear cheap shoes and underwear.

Tags: clothing, woman, accessory