How to clean house mutonovuyu coat

How to clean house mutonovuyu coat
 Products from Mouton have a long life, but while wearing coats mutonovoy it can happen anywhere. For purification there is a large number of ways.
 Due to certain circumstances, give a coat to the dry cleaners is not always possible, so you can try to put it in order on their own. First of all, you need a coat rack. It is put mutonovaya coat. It is best to clean the produce in the bathroom. Hang the coat over the bath and dissolve in a bucket of water washing powder.

As a tool for cleaning the fur, use a brush for clothes. After processing the fur brush with soapy water, rinse with clean water and remove the remaining foam from the surface of fur products. Now, most importantly, a fur coat should not touch another day. After waiting in the bathroom daily on the rack it should be moved to a ventilated area.

If you see that there are no visible stains coat of mud, but think that the fur was covered with dust, use a household vacuum cleaner. Here are some nuances. First, brush cleanliness, secondly, the retracting force of air. Brush or a special nozzle to wash, because fine lint and hair are on the nozzle, by static electricity changed hands with brush on a coat. Recommended to reduce the suction power.

If your house is not a vacuum cleaner or do not want to use it, an analogue of this action may be shaking or knocking the dust in the street. To do this, you need to buy at the store household goods "cracker" - a device to extract dust.

In some cases, no need to clean the outside of the coat, and the inner - lining. The problem is that it needs to be otparyvat. Of course, with a sharp blade or scissors can not do it, so you need to get a special tool. After cleaning the lining is sewn with a fine needle and thread suitable color.

Tags: house coat, Mouton