How has the history of the emergence of the skirt

How has the history of the emergence of the skirt
 In the view of modern man skirt is an attribute of the female wardrobe. However, in the distant prehistoric times this garment was used to cover the nakedness and protection from the elements by both women and men. For thousands of years of separation on gender, age, class and social status did not exist, and all our ancestors were absolutely equal. Therefore, they dressed the same way. The occurrence of the same skirt, as a matter of women's wardrobe, there was relatively recently, namely in the 16th century.

History of occurrence skirt in European countries

Unlike dresses or tunics, cover the entire body, the skirt was secured at the waist and covered only the lower half of it.
First skirt, as a separate element attire woman appeared in Spain in the 16th century. It was a very extensive article having immense width is achieved by applying several layers of tissue in and stuffed with horsehair. These skirts were so severe that they dressed ladies moved with great difficulty.

In place of this heavy-weight skirts along came "verdugad", which was based on a framework of hoops. Narrow at the waist and extended to the bottom of wireframes noble ladies wore through their maidservants, who "climb" in the center of the skirt and chained her to the corset.

A little later, in Italy and France appeared lightweight models with rounded shapes, is achieved by adding the basis of skirt special loin pillows made from wool.

In the 17th century in vogue more comfortable straight skirts with tails, as well as products, draped on the sides. At this time, gained a lot of popularity and layering. Ladies put on themselves several skirts, whose number could reach 15.

Prefab skirts were incredibly heavy. Weight wedding dress, for example, could reach 100 kg. Move in this dress yourself bride could not, so often brought her to the church at the hands of the groom.
In the 18th century came the fashion for the dome. The skirt of the time is a structure made of metal or wooden hoop frame, tightly covered with cloth. To attract the attention of the opposite sex bottom most products decorated with lace. During movement ladies skirt swaying and published a very intriguing rustling.

In the 19th century, in an era of austerity and elegance, in vogue skirt in the form of a bell, which was able to maintain the shape with the help of crinoline. Products carried out exclusively in white, wearing colored skirts in those days was considered extremely impolite.

By the 19th century is the emergence and bustle - a special roller, which is achieved through the effect of the volume of the back of the skirt.

In the early 20th century in Europe became fashionable tight skirts, to pull in the ankle so badly that move in them was almost impossible. However, despite this, every self-respecting lady appeared on secular receptions only in such clothes. Founder of "lame" skirt is the British actress Cecilia Sorel.

Despite efforts of the world community to maintain the length of the skirt to the knee, shortening this attribute women's wardrobe designers are constantly engaged. Furthest in this case went Mary Quant, who became the creator of the first narrow mini skirt.

Modification of styles and shapes skirts happened in the 20th century and is constantly depended solely on fantasy fashion.

The appearance of the skirt in Russia

In Russia skirt became popular only in the 20th century, pushing into the background familiar to young girls and women of those times sundresses.

The brightest and most beautiful skirts worn by married women in Russia.
The skirt was a direct product, the front of which was supplemented with monotonous cloth, and the bottom, thanks to the preliminary "pleating" had nice folds. Material for everyday skirts was a canvas, festive outfits were made of the same colored calico. As decorations often used silk ribbons, pieces of velvet and buttons.

Skirt length unmarried women could reach the feet. Married same ladies wore skirts that fully cover their feet to the heels.

Tags: skirt, history, appearance, occurrence