How fast dry nail polish

How fast dry nail polish
 A good manicure - the card every self-respecting girl. As the famous Coco Chanel said: "everything is in our hands, so do not omit them." Or "run" - and a possible option. Alas, hand care - it takes time, so be patient. What to do if very little time, and sacrifice color nails well, does not want to?

The first thing that comes to mind when the word "dry" - hair, similar to how we dry a wet t-shirt or even a sofa on which overturned a glass of water. Mode only need to select the cold, since hot air can change the color and even the structure of the application of lacquer, and in addition to once again dry cuticles, which so constantly and lack of moisture.

Second, no less popular method - use cold water. There are two basic rules: First the water must flow, so that the idea to have to leave the tub, and secondly, before substitute the hands under the water, varnish should already slightly dry.

Another original way for those who love speed, but remains in the passenger seat. All to the banal simple: open the window and substitute marigolds wind (and if you're lucky, even the sun). There is one thing but if the car is moving on the highway at a speed of 120 km / h and above, it is possible with the wind to pick up the dust, or midges. You can, of course, and just waving their arms, but you get tired much faster than the paint to cure.

There is also a more professional method used in salons, but also an affordable home: Lucky drying or fixers. They have the additional advantage: the varnish lasts longer and nails are very glossy. Fortunately, the beauty industry today is developing rapidly and over such varnishes are in line virtually all major brands.

Another option is a twin fixative spray drying. Spray it on the freshly applied nail polish and manicure ready in a minute, and cuticle hydrated, thanks to vitamins, its member.

The most expensive option for those who have every minute counts - Professional UV nail dryer. This apparatus creates a constant air flow, exposing to UV radiation nails. Just do not be afraid, there is no harm, one benefit: the nails and dry very quickly and strengthened. Another plus - almost all UV dryers operate on batteries, so no messing around with cables!

To test how the varnish is dry, you need to quickly and lightly touching the knock nails two index fingers against each other. To manicure certainly well entrenched, it is advisable to postpone active hands still for 15-20 minutes.

Remember that your hands are always in sight, and beautiful manicure or no help to add an image or, respectively, completely destroy it.

Tags: manicure, nail varnish