How do I know what color my

How do I know what color my
 Stylists are divided into four color groups: cold and muted, warm and bright, cold and bright, warm and muted. Each group fits a certain type of appearance, the designers are related to the seasons: Summer, Spring, Winter and Autumn. Correctly identifying the type of your appearance, you can find out what colors suit you perfectly.  
 If you choose to define your type of appearance, conduct an experiment should be under natural daylight. On the face should be no make-up. Dyed hair must tie a handkerchief, and his shoulders and neck better to leave open. Well, if the test you will be helping other people, by possible to objectively determine the color palette that suits you.

Prepare as many different colors of fabrics and items of clothing. Consider carefully in the mirror and start alternately applied to the face cloth handkerchiefs or cold pink and peach colors. If profitable emphasizes your natural gifts peach color you think of the warm group - in spring and autumn, and if you are more suitable cold pink, then you belong to the type - Summer or Winter.

Defining a cold or warm type you concern, continue to apply the fabric of other colors. Winter type to face - bright pink, bright yellow and black, for the Summer - burgundy, muted pink, bluish steel. Spring suit bright blue, grass green, lemon, and in the autumn - deep blue, ocher, olive. For a more precise definition of its type should be considered natural features of appearance: the color of the eyes, skin, hair.

By type of appearance Spring are usually natural golden blonde, honey and reddish tint hair, with fair skin and blue or light green eyes. Excellent emphasizes the natural warm color Women Spring orange. Like beige (without gray shades), caramel, champagne, yellow and pink, turquoise and other bright warm colors.

Women Fall brides are chestnut, copper and fiery red hair color, with dark skin (sometimes olive shade), green-eyed brown-eyed or with an amber hue. Perfectly emphasize natural gifts of women belonging to the type of Autumn, warm browns, olive, khaki, dark coniferous, deep orange, apricot, copper-red, mustard yellow color.

Women Summer type have blond or light brown hair with a touch of ash, light-skinned, with gray, light brown or gray-green eyes. Representatives of this type should be selected smoky blue, cold pink, gray-white, brown with pinkish hue.

For the winter type includes women with blue-black or chocolate color hair, olive-gray or dark beige skin, bright blue, dark brown or greenish-brown eyes. They are ideal black and white, as well as steel, dark brown, emerald green, deep purple.

Women of all types are color matched the color of his eyes. Classic colors - white and black - also suitable for women of all ages and types of figures. The only exception is a woman with very pale skin, white clothes make them colorless.

Tags: colors