Drapery: The Story of a piece of cloth

Drapery: The Story of a piece of cloth
 Words that everything is new - well forgotten old, could not be better characterize Her Majesty draperies. Known for a long time, it is increasingly gaining popularity in our time as a costume design and interior design.

It has long been a beautiful fabric was not only expensive in the interior decoration and clothing, as well as an indicator of wealth. Cloth adorned the walls in anticipation of any festival. The ancient Romans cloth draped columns, arches and doorways. Thanks to this discovery, as drapery, there, in Rome, the first curtains, which are arranged in several layers of thin fabric that protects from the heat of the day and cool at night.

And today, the art of draping is actively used in the design of the windows. Designers offer to decorate the windows in accordance with the chosen style of furniture, as well as based on the time of year. Summer is recommended to use as curtains lighter and lighter fabrics. Accordingly, in the winter - give preference to dense tissues rich color palette.

Thus, the ancient art of draping fabric, perhaps, can be considered a component of the traditional view of ancient art in the world culture.

By the way, the ancient Greeks also knew a lot about grace draperies, because their traditional clothes just represented artfully draped fabric, emphasizes the beauty of the proportions of the body, and at the same time serves as the display of simplicity and generosity. And the Renaissance, gave the world not only paintings by Botticelli and Masaccio, opened the world truly fine Italian fabrics, motifs that designers use to this day.

Today drapery - a fashion trend that gives the image of femininity and elegance. A revival began draping at the beginning of the 20th century, thanks to the efforts of Madeleine Vionnet - designers who sewed clothes, decorating her folds. Dress Madeleine liking famous and popular actress - Marlene Dietrich and Greta Garbo. Therefore it is not surprising that soon many women in dress and manner of dress wanted to be like the great actresses and resorted to various tricks to buy or sew dresses reminiscent of their outfits.

Popularity draperies in current stellar kinokrasavits doubt. For example, the well-known contemporary actress Jennifer Lopez is happy evening dresses in the Greek style, with drapes and no less popular actress and a Hollywood beauty Halle Berry does not go out once in dresses with drapes.

Therefore, you can safely say that the open sometime in the ancient art of draping lives and continues to evolve.

Tags: style, dress, fabric, history, piece, drapery, revival