Burlesque and a little red: capsule collection of clothes Dita Von Teese and Christian Louboutin

 Burlesque queen and one of the most famous shoe maestro created a limited edition line of lingerie, called XXXtian.

In XXXtian capsule collection includes seven items: bra, panties three types, two kimono and belt for stockings. Used silk, satin, black lace, and of course, a small red elements in each model, refer to the brand name shoe house - red soles.

Its quite frivolous name of the collection was the famous signature Christian Louboutin - Master signs his letters as «Xtian». For him, by the way, the design of the underwear was the debut, whereas for Dita Von Teese is the case is already quite familiar: the previously diva has already submitted linen collection of Madame X, Marlene, Parisienne and Screen Queen.

XXXtian collection will be sold only on Glamuse.com, like all previous collections linen Dita.

Burlesque and a little red: capsule collection of clothes Dita Von Teese and Christian Louboutin
Burlesque and a little red: capsule collection of clothes Dita Von Teese and Christian Louboutin
Burlesque and a little red: capsule collection of clothes Dita Von Teese and Christian Louboutin
Burlesque and a little red: capsule collection of clothes Dita Von Teese and Christian Louboutin
Burlesque and a little red: capsule collection of clothes Dita Von Teese and Christian Louboutin
Burlesque and a little red: capsule collection of clothes Dita Von Teese and Christian Louboutin

Photo: Vogue