Sheepskin - luxury and the need for one person

 If earlier sheepskin was a luxury item, in the last decade, such clothing has become much more accessible to people of all income and status. Sheepskin enjoy the same success: because in this dress combines practicality, beauty and warmth. Winter coats with fluffy fur collars long gone, coat - not the most practical thing, because it is not always possible to put on. Sheepskin same - the best option for the winter. Consider together with the women's magazine JustLady how to choose and how shaped coats to give preference in the winter season 2008/2009  

Sheepskin and fashion 2008/2009

Styles of sheepskin are now very, very diverse, you can find and easy form-fitting jacket and long straight or figure-coat, and something like a poncho with sleeves. Sleeves and cuffs fashionable this season to finish some fluffy fur collar and became a wellspring for the imagination of designers.

The last discovery was two-sided sheepskin - if turn it inside out, it turns out interesting, stylish coat. In short sheepskin coats fur is usually short and long - fluffy fur Lama or mountain goat.


The bulk of the supplied to our country made sheepskin born in Turkey. This manufacturer pleases us variety and reasonable prices. However, good factory product often passes for Italian, so a closer look at the label, which must be specified "the whole truth" about where and by whom stitched sheepskin.

The best quality and "frost" coats produce Canada and Finland, which is not surprising - there harsh winter.

Italian and Spanish coats are very trendy, stylish and beautiful - but our winters are not particularly adapted. Despite the fact that they are very comfortable, lightweight and comfortable, in the thirty-degree frost in such dublenochke not really resemble - the ease and grace here is achieved by the thickness of fur and thus heat.

How to buy the "right" sheepskin?

How do you choose for yourself quality and beautiful sheepskin? To this question we now try to answer.

Quality sheepskin primarily starts with the fact that the skin should be washed as much as possible from animal fat. The good thing, modern technologies make it possible to do it quite well. However, as we have already mentioned, the bulk of sheepskin supplied to our market, sewn in Turkey, where booming production of so-called DIY - ie what is produced is not a factory, and in the studio furrier single.

Since there is no such masters of factory equipment often happens that your beautiful, stylish dublenochka after a while begins to shine - it is precisely because of the fact that vymyvka fat from the skin was not the best. Also this product has a certain odor.

When buying coats recommended it a good shake. If you heard a soft crunch - it is not your sheepskin. This sound indicates that the product is "glued" ie fur located inside, is adhered to the skin. In the high-quality sheepskin coat this can not be. All items must be as uniform in size and appearance. Also considered a good sign if the pile outside and inside fur coats "look" in one direction.

Seam quality sheepskin coat should be smooth and neat, and best of all - a double. Also must be firmly fastened pockets.

Given that the coats are now doing all the colors of the rainbow, you need to pay attention to how the colored product you selected. Leather and fur should be the same, uniform color.

If NOT, inside there are bright spots, beware: in a sheepskin at the slightest wet start to appear in divorce. To finally make sure that the skin is colored well, you can spend a white handkerchief on the surface if the handkerchief not paint - so sheepskin will not be spotted after the first wet snow.


And finally, of course, I must say a few words about the price: the cost of a good sheepskin in the season starts on average $ 400. But remember that the best time to buy - the end of the season, when demand is falling, and sellers want to sell off the remnants.

Author: Julia Boltneva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: sheepskin coat, canada, fashion, luxury