How to lengthen the skirt

How to lengthen the skirt
 If you are in a hurry bought a skirt that during the fitting in the store seemed very appropriate, and came home suddenly found it to you a little short - do not despair! After a bit short skirt can easily extend into the home.  
 There are several ways to skirt extension, which was slightly shorter than its expected the hostess. The main thing is what determines the method of extension - it's her style and the season in which you are going to wear it.

Perhaps the most uncomplicated and popular way can be considered next. The lower hem to hem the skirt should be disbanded, ripped podgibochny factory seam. Then you need to carefully ironed creases formed after podparyvaniya using iron with steam function and cutting wet gauze fabric. After that, it is necessary to sew along the hem along the edge of a narrow strip of fabric, which will lengthen the product. Followed by a bend sewn strip so that bridging stitch (suture, which connected the hem of her skirt and the edge strips of cloth) is on1-2 mm from the inside hem of the skirt. The product thus gain further in length from 1 to3-4 cm depending on the width of the factory hem hem.

The easiest option lengthening skirt - is the use of contrasting fabric, pristrachivaemoy as an extension to the edge of the skirt hem. However, this method is good mainly for lush summer skirts, because they look better with these additions length. It is also noteworthy that can lengthen a skirt as a hidden seam and pristrochit cloth directly over existing products, it just is gathered and processed overlock edge. Over the next seam can sew beautiful lace and lace edge of the skirt supplement. To create a full feeling that skirt is exactly what must have looked like originally, you should sew the pieces of the same fabric or lace around the edge of pockets or make lace belt.

May also extend through the skirt to create a new yoke increased until the desired total length of the article. Often, this fashionista use old jeans. The result is a fashionable skirt boho-style, to date this year.

Extend the classic straight skirt can also use the coquette. But in this case it is important to carve out a flirt from the same fabric as the skirt, or to pick up more or less suitable in color and texture cloth. To skirt so, you need to rip the product at the seams and darts. And then, guided by the available parts, perform flirt desired shape, and then collect all of the product at the seams. We should not forget that this type of narrow skirt is better to leave a small slot that allows the hostess did not feel inconvenience in walking.

Skirt and can nadvyazat if the hostess products familiar with the art of possession of knitting needles or crochet. This will give things uniqueness and will make it a cause of envy some of the fair sex.

Extend straight skirt made of light colored fabric can be sewn on the bottom of the product flounce, which can be either symmetric or asymmetric. In this case, it is important not only to choose the right fabric, but also the length of the shuttle to the skirt of a cute thing did not work, looking at who will say that its owner has no taste.

If you like experiments, the pleated skirt can lengthen, sew it instead of elongated basque corset. Also looks original and made by a fine knit blouse sewn to the skirt - and now in front of you not old skirt, and a new dress.

Also looks elegant summer skirt of a light fabric, which cut off the edge of the hem and the resulting cross-section enclosing strip of lace or other fabric, and cut edge hem sewn again. Depending on the need to extend product centimeters more than the width of the lace strip make such incisions2-3.

Options lengthening short skirt set. Choose the appropriate one to help his own fantasy, and some courage hostess updated elongated skirt.

Tags: skirt hem