How to embroider dress with beads

How to embroider dress with beads
 Update an old wardrobe helps needlework. For example, to make the dress more fashionable and modern decoration will help his beads. Dress embroidered with beads is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.
 All you need - threads, needles, beads, scissors. And, of course, patience and the desire to make from an old dress chic new clothes.

First of all, decide what you want to get a result - drawing in the neck, randomly scattered strands of beads or a clearly defined line or sleeve hem.

Then pick the right color beads, that it was combined with the colors of your wardrobe items. Remember, the right combination of colors - a sign of good taste.

Selecting the pattern, begin to fix the beads on fabric. To do this in several ways.

Secure each bead separately, as if to sew buttons. And to some of the beads have received a number of regular shape, use a seam called "forward needle". Strung bead on the needle, and then attach it internal stitch.

And so it should be done with each subsequent bead. To ultimately beads remained in the right place, you need an entire row of beads combine thread, extending it through their holes. As a result, embroidery will not pull the fabric, and you will avoid unnecessary additional folds.

Make a dress pattern using beads can be as follows: first line is sewn loop of beads, fix its shape. Then sew on the next series, trying to arrange them as tight as possible and close to the seam contour.

Elegant look of the dress original beaded tassels. Make them very easy, it will take even less time than the creation of the drawing.

In this case, proceed as follows:
- Tie the knot on a string and nanizhite right amount of beads;
- Fasten thread on the dress with a needle in the right place and tie a knot extra.

These brushes can make a large number and position in different ways - to make them more rows or placed on a dress in artistic disorder.

Tags: color, dress, brush