Vasiliev. Fashion at the grandmother's dress

 Many people mistakenly think that the fashion for vintage came only in the 2000s that it is now such an amazing craze - buy and collect dresses that 20, 30, 40 years of age and who have made outstanding designers, accessories collect our mothers and grandmothers - handbags, shoes, hats, gloves, brooches and other jewelry.

Interest in old clothes always existed, just have not used the term "vintage". For example, we can see that in the 18th century there was a tendency to dress for 17 minutes, ie, to a century clothes. And throughout the 19th century, all the clothing styles only repeat the past: Empire repeated antiquity, romanticism instilled motives of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the second rococo rococo replicated first, then the second Baroque ...

 All sorts psevdostili - pseudo, psevdoromansky, and so to modern. That Is Whyalready in the 19th century, people are happy not only collected antique things - Paintings, furniture, tableware, lighting, but also enjoyed the old fans, antique jewelry, shamelessly ripped the dress of the 18th century, to reshape them to a more modern podkorsetnye dresses of the 19th century, used vintage lace.

There was not a season in the 19th century, when there would be a vintage lace past years, whether Shantin, whether or Malinskaya Mechlin lace or Venetian lace. Also used an old shoe, which is sometimes used in fancy or ballroom purposes and not as a routine. And now, not vintage Casual.Vintage today is an echo of the fashion, which in the 20th century came twice.

The first time was in the late 30s, when, after the coronation of George VI, in 1937-1938, before the Second World War vintage fashion conquered Britain, women having fun dressed in Victorian dress. This period is called the fashion neoviktorianskim - used hats, handbags, gloves, and other vintage items.The next time it was in the hippie eraWhen the whole vintage of the past came into vogue fashion from the 20s - art deco, 30s, even 40s, if we talk about fashion on the platform, which became popular in the 70s it with a light hand on fashion vintage.

And now vintage fashion is very strong. How Come?Because all the fashion of the day - very retro. Today, almost no one designer who would create a whole new cut, a new line. Humanity is not about the future, but only litsezrit his past. They like reflection, because the 21 th century was very dangerous, deadly, we now understand that without the war, life simply can not. That Is Whypast seems somewhat more peacefulThough not so peaceful and it was actually.

In the fashion of the past many find romanticism, while in this mode it is not. On the other hand, it is also a love for the individual. Each vintage thing is not only the energy mistress, but the work of the man who created this wonderful thing, especially when it comes to manual work, beadwork or bugles, a cross or cutwork. So people, collecting vintage items, as they think, are attached to the more upmarket life, grandmother or great-grandmother's life. Today in fashion vintage dresses 60s of the last century, many have specially come to Paris in the famous gallery Didier Ludo at the Palais-Royal.

Vintage dress famous author can cost from 700 to 1,500 eurosAnd on some models the price may go away and much higher if the thing belonged to some famous kinoartistke say Gina Lollobrigida and Leslie Caron. These things, of course, rise in price, but the people who collect vintage professionally, know where to find it cheap, how to get around the obstacles of various margins, which makes every professional gallery that sells these renowned old things.

It is also interesting to understand why a particular period of history is catching on. In every process of education, there are fashion circuit, which can be called a spiral fashion. This spiral fashion is always a generation.Fashion is always returned, every 25-30 years, next time - time in 50 years, and the next time a hundred years. Therefore, as soon as is 25 years, a new generation sees great charm in things their parents. Therefore, it is not surprising that at the end of the 60s of the last century in vogue 20s, and 70s - 30s, and still later the 40s with the platform, and plain shoulders, had been fashionable in 80 years of the last century.

Now another cycle, we do not even have so many vintage clothing of the 20s and 30s, too long this period left us, but close to us period - 60-70 years. And now, 80 give us a huge amount of very vintage, ie a lot of things that you can buy, get not only in the USA, Western Europe, but also in Russia and worn with great pleasure.

People are making a fashion that is still possible. We would love to have introduced the fashion of dress Empire, only their nowhere to be found, except for expensive auctions so rampant fashion they can never become.Fashion only is widespread, when the sale of certain things related quantitative demand. If demand is high, and there is no proposal, there is no distribution.

In one of my recent book "European fashion" I pretty much talk about vintage fashion, almost all of the pages of this book is dedicated to my collection of vintage clothing, in which about 10 000 items of clothing and accessories. I have it on permanent display in various countries - recently in Paris at the opening of the brand Irfe, the next big exhibition will be held at me in Tokyo, Japan. In Moscow, I was trying to please the audience at the last "Cherry forest", exhibited part of his collection "Film and Fashion", which just touched during the 30-40-ies.

Century vintage pretty fleeting, because all things vintage is much more fragile than those that are made now - then do not use polyester, buckles were more subtle. Clothes past often made from natural materials - silk, velvet, veil, lace, muslin, that is all something that requires not only a special approach, but also a very caring attitude in everyday life. Naturally, many vintage things make us happy for a few days - and the stain will not be able to withdraw, and the seam can separate. I, of course, as a collector opposed to people wore vintage clothing because it kills it all!

It should be noted that the vintage combined with modern clothing, because all modern clothes - it's completely retro, nothing brand new you will not be able to offer any one brand - all just do what they are copying the past 60-80 years. You will not find one brand that would offer you a radically new. Perhaps such small Marochko is, they are not only has the general public. Therefore, each vintage thing can only decorate any modern suit some accessory, some detail - scarves, shawls, belts, bags, or something else.

People who seek to subordinate their way some time, I have met very few. In my life I have met only two such women. One of them - an Englishwoman who wore dresses of the First World War, it has always been a vintage shoes, vintage stockings only in 1914, the belt to him, trousers, shirts and corsets. It only dushilas vintage perfume used only vintage cosmetics.Such people in Russia today, you will not find. Many fashionable women who think that they love vintage, really just mixed several items collected hat, boa, veil, thinking at the same time that they are the reincarnation of the past. But they did not listen to the music, do not go to an old linen and do not sleep on an old bed.

Tags: america, glove, exhibition, venice, vintage, Vasiliev