Jeans and trousers with a high waist celebrate their triumph!

 We just finally resigned to the fact that the "waistline" on our jeans is low across the hips. We are accustomed to bare belly, or, conversely, to choose long tops to hide it. We understood what needed tights with low waist. And at this time the designers decided to do the opposite and return waist, in fact, on the waist. And even higher.

Jeans and trousers with a high waist celebrate their triumph. As you know, everybody loves a winner, so we only need to learn the new rules of fashion: how to wear them.

Select the desired level.

Depending on where the waist line, and change your figure. Therefore, in this case, you should be especially careful: a few extra inches to the north - and your silhouette becomes monstrously disproportionate. Designers such as Philip Lim, offering to wear jeans as it did in the seventies: a clear focus on the narrowest part of the waist visually lengthens the legs and gives the figure fragility. In this case, the top should always be shortened, jacket - double-breasted, top - a lush and layered.

Do not forget the high heels.

Basically nothing has changed here. The higher the heel, the slender legs appear. But thin stud is clearly losing heel cylindrical shape and is always relevant platform.

The main thing - form.

Based on the characteristics own figures. Of course, high-waisted jeans are more suitable for slim girls. But even those who do not have such a figure can be found in the trend model for themselves. For example, pants or jeans with large trousers, flared bottom. Such an option would create the effect of "the presence of the waist," even if in fact it is not very pronounced.

Everyone is afraid that the high-waisted jeans always associated with those that now bears the mother or even grandmother. It must be remembered that in fashion - a very different silhouette, excluding slightly baggy middle and narrowed down the trousers (this is cut often prefer older women). In favor clearly defined, sculptural line of the hips and waist. Belt becomes smooth and gipershirokim, sometimes mimicking Tightening corset. Such a cut is able to correct minor figure flaws, but is contraindicated in those whose curves are far from perfect.

Tags: trousers, waist