How to remove the gloss from clothes

How to remove the gloss from clothes
 At the wrong proglazhivanii clothes iron or constant wear on certain things everyday wardrobe can be formed unattractive shiny patches that do not just give things sloppy appearance, but also thereby spoil the overall impression of the person. Therefore, the removal of such "brilliant place" on the garments given careful attention.
 The more synthetic fibers added to the fabric and its lighter tone, the harder it is to make the restoration work. The derivation of fatty and shiny patches need as soon as possible after their arrival, otherwise they zastarevayut, and then have to make considerable efforts to remove them.

Before the start of work, especially if you plan to use to restore clothes chemicals, vinegar, gasoline and even potato juice), check the resistance of original color tissue on an inconspicuous area or scrap of which is necessarily included with the product. Pay particular attention should be treated with light-colored fabrics, in fact restore the original appearance of the most difficult fabrics.

To delete a shiny spots formed on dark fabric after ironing iron or long wearing, you can try to steam the damaged area and gently rub his clothes brush, without exerting strong pressure on the fabric. You can use a steam iron or, in the absence thereof, the steam from the boiling water in the container, placing glossy piece of clothing above the tank.

Denser tissue can then be gently rubbed with pumice fine-grained. Also may be effective soaking damaged items in a weak solution of vinegar or for things to dark brown in color - a solution of tea leaves.

For exposure to light colored products can use a solution made from hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. Usually enough to take half a cup of pure cool water 1 teaspoon of peroxide, and immediately before treatment spots in the solution add a few drops of ammonia. You can also rub the spot after a scant wetting ordinary soap, after which the product is left to dry and then wash again with all the necessary conditions (water temperature, normal drying, but the product should not be strongly pressing).

Spots, which are visible at a great distance, it is necessary to handle gasoline, and then sprinkle fine table salt (not iodized). The product is left to dry gasoline and then shake salt and wash things as usual.

To prevent shiny spots on the fabric from a hot iron with ironing should always be moist gauze cloth, put the iron on the function of steam or iron things from the wrong side. Use newspapers for ironing woolen fabrics with caution - with a light fabric ink is almost impossible to remove.

Tags: clothes, stain, iron, gloss