How to decorate a knitted sweater

How to decorate a knitted sweater
 Openwork knit blouse does not require additional decoration, but monotonous product made simple viscous, it can be an exclusive thing, embroidering it unusual flowers.
 Before you begin to unfold a blouse, consider what part you want to embroider floral pattern. Keep in mind that the larger the binding, which holds the product, the larger must be the stitches and bigger flowers.

Select woolen thread that will perform pattern. For this we first consider what kind of flowers you are going to sew. And, of course, shades of embroidered details must harmonize with the main color of the product.

To simplify your work, run basting stitch border, which will be executed drawing. This will allow "no escape" twigs and buds in the process.

Twigs and shoots stalk follow the seam, observe the direction of stitches. For thicker stems using chain stitch. Petals of flowers such as roses or poppies perform embroidery.

Embroidering daisies, first complete your their core French knots. To do this, make a small stitch, and without prompting the needle on the front side, it obveyte 2-3 working thread. After that, pull the thread, pull back and do another of the same bundle. To perform the daisy petals, as do the loop with tambour seam, but after the first loops, fasten a small stitch. Large petals of daisies can be issued by two or three of these stitches, each loop must skirt the previous one. The same principle can be embroidered sunflowers, their core must be large enough and small petals.

You can also decorate the embroidery small rosebuds. To do this, use the seam rococo, he performed as a French knot, but the stitches are made longer, and the number of wound around the needle reaches 10. Try not to pull the thread so as not to deform the product.

Add the leaves. They can embroider embroidery, paving the stitches in two directions from the cutting. Small leaves can be issued eyelets.

Tags: sweater, product, jacket, blouse, embroidery