How to decorate a dress

How to decorate a dress
 Not everyone can afford to sew clothes to order. Most forced to settle for the one that is produced in large quantities. This means that there is always a chance to meet at a party or on the street woman whom wore the same dress as you. What can you do to turn your bathroom into an exclusive and protect themselves from clones?
 Unpleasant to meet in the street a woman dressed in the same dress as you. Therefore, if you want to remain single, unique, but are not able to sew clothes to order, it should show imagination.

Convert standard dress, which sports a half of the city into something original is not so difficult. If you have the skills of sewing, the task all the more easier. Garnish with lace, ribbon embroidery. Outfit sparkle with a completely new way.

If your ability is only enough to somehow break away sew a button, do not despair. Today, in any store for needle women can find ready to decorate clothing: fabric flowers, termrotransfery, Decal, finished embroidery, termobiser, rhinestones, various chains, sequins and so forth.

Invent decor, according to your taste and vision of how to look your outfit. Well, modern technology used in the production of finished jewelry to clothing allowed to put your plan into practice very quickly and easily. For example, in order to put on a dress pattern of rhinestones, sequins or figurine of a Decal exquisite embroidery, you'll need a blank, a hot iron and, in fact, the dress.

Choosing decor for clothes, do not forget that bright large parts attract attention. And because it is not necessary to emphasize those parts of the body that you want to hide. That is, literally, if you have too large breasts, nowhere to put the emphasis on the upper part of the dress with the help of colorful bead embroidery.

But perhaps you would like to leave yourself room to maneuver. Then you can resort to less radical ways to decorate your bathroom. Completely change the look of your dress, you can use accessories.

Hat, stole, flirty handkerchief around his neck, slim contrast band at the waist - and now your toilet has changed. Even if you just change the buttons on a fine, the effect is spectacular. Just do not overdo it with color, so that the audience of your dress is not in the eyes dazzled.

Jewelery, jewelry, too, are a good way to diversify your toilet. Of course, they have to come to the dress and match your type of appearance. Important: jewelry should not be too much, so as not to turn you into a kind of Christmas tree.

Tags: clothing, jewelry, crystals, crafts, decor, sequins dress