American style clothing

American style clothing
 America - a country of freedom and independence. This motto is embodied not only in the lifestyle of Americans, but in a fashion that every day becomes more and more popular around the world.

America's fashion industry is developing very rapidly. It has long been ready to give odds the official capital of fashion, Paris, and has its own, distinctive style and a galaxy of talented designers. According to conservative estimates, the market of fashion in New York working army of 175 thousand people. Of course, this activity affects the growth of the popularity of American fashion worldwide.

People who have the word "American style" imagine cowboys dressed in jeans and a shirt, something partly right. America - as no other country has always openly stresses and uses fashion elements of their culture and history. American flag, famous multgeroya, presidents and other symbols of the country can be found not only on members of street culture, but also on the runways of high fashion in New York. Huge impact on fashion of America has pop culture, celebrities and the world of Hollywood.

American style combines the convenience, practicality, simplicity and chic. Much attention is paid to the creation of the image detail. Accessories and shoes are often much more significant elements of costume than a dress or pants. Clothing mainly made of natural materials, synthetic materials with a very small.

Casual Fashion inhabitants of America - it jeans or other clothing made of denim, T-shirts and T-shirts, sweater, or unchanging plaid shirt, running shoes and other sports shoes. Appear in this form can afford not only ordinary citizens, but also the stars of show business. In casual Americans traced the idea of ​​"anti-cult" of things - clothes chosen by the principle of "budgetary and practical."

As for the evening, or "high" fashion, here is somewhat different. The main trends are striving to classics, femininity and luxury. Emphasizes elegance materials such as silk, fur, tweed and satin. Often you can find the use of lace and glamor elements in the decoration suits, dresses and accessories.

The best-known American brands in our country are Alexander Wang, Helmut Lang, Marc Jacobs and Tommy Hilfiger.

Tags: clothes, style, america, fashion, American