How to shape the breast

How to shape the breast
 Beautiful bust - the dream of women, the object of desire for men. And the size is not always important. The main thing that breasts were firm and well-groomed. Give it the ideal shape is possible by means of careful care and special exercises.
 Healthy life - beautiful breasts

Sociologists are interested in what a bust like most men. And they came to an unexpected conclusion. For them, does not matter the size. The most intriguing for the stronger sex is ... decollete. Open bulging charms are not interesting.

But neckline - it is, above all, beautiful skin, and only then shape of the breast. And to achieve that, and another, just need to adhere to certain rules. Firstly, it is necessary to eliminate all bad habits. Smoking, alcohol intake, lead to the rapid aging of the skin. The muscles that do not get enough oxygen, become sluggish. Breast sagging, flabby.

Secondly, it is necessary to eat right. Overeating threatens excess fat folds. Excessive thinness disrupt metabolism, impairs the skin's structure, destroys muscle mass. Bust is saggy and your skin neckline - wrinkled, gray.

Thirdly, the bed is not less than 8 hours per day. Only rested person can look good.

Breast Care

In order to give shape to the breast, it is necessary to perform daily set of exercises designed to strengthen the muscles of the shoulders and chest. Do they need to be with the weighting. Aimed waving hands up and down, lifts books or bags of salt over your head, cross movement - all this causes muscle tension chest. Periodic exercises stimulate their strengthening, and, consequently, an improvement (reduction) forms bust.

In addition, every morning it is necessary to take a cool shower. Under a strong stream, raised his hand, rubbing the breast in a circular motion, grasping the neck. This massage is desirable to make a tough glove for 3-4 minutes. After that you should take a douche. Finish the morning toilet recommended by rubbing with a towel.

Before going to bed wetting or wipe bust cool sea water, a solution of strong tea, herbal infusions, such as chamomile or mint. Improves the nutrition of the skin and tightens it compress vodka / water / lemon juice (they should be mixed in equal proportions).

Daily exercise and proper care will help to improve blood circulation and lymph flow normalizes, make skin supple, give breast shape will retain its appeal for a long time.

Tags: shape, chest area, bust and decollete