How to make jeans one size smaller

How to make jeans one size smaller
 Jeans have long evolved from work clothes in fashion. Now they are actively so many people. But due to the elasticity of fabric jeans can wear during hard enough to stretch even become more full-size. Reduce them in several ways.  
 It does not matter whether your jeans were stretched during wear, or you originally purchased the three-dimensional model too. Ways to reduce use the same.

The easiest way - is to wash. Denim is sufficiently dense and resistant to wear, so it can be washed at high temperature, sixty or ninety degrees. Then press them in a washing machine at high speeds. After washing, dry them on a rope or not on a hanger, and tissue absorbs water. After washing, they will shrink by about size. But please note that denim sufficiently elastic, and a few days socks stretch pants again. Or have to wash them after every second donning, or use other methods.

Take in jeans rather difficult due to the complexity of their cut. Make it easier for the legs. First, pick up the thread corresponding to the color of those who made the outside seams. That part of the thrust lines in the area where you want to narrow trousers. Try them and mark the thread or pins, to what extent you want to reduce jeans. Then Close the them, but at the same time play the double line that should go along in jeans trousers.

Then, if necessary, hold the closure of the top of the pants. To reduce their waist jeans reduce laterally. Will be more difficult if the fabric is stretched out on the buttocks. In this case, will have to unpick how the side seams on the thighs and the back line in the buttocks. Make new joints again need the same style, which were performed old.

Since the reduction in the size of jeans - a complex process, in the future, pay attention to what you need to do to trousers is not stretched. You should not wear jeans a few days in a row - it promotes tissue deformation. At home, try to change into other clothes, if the whole day was spent in jeans. Also, this type of pants is not contraindicated frequent washing, especially if they are made with the effect of wear - in this case can not be afraid of what the color intensity of tissue decreased markedly.

Tags: size, jeans, fabric, one small, property