Fashion: Summer in marine style

Fashion: Summer in marine style
 Summer ever fashionable clothes in a marine style. Delicate blue and white colors combined with a dark red, blue, black and gold paint a picture in front of you and an endless sea of ​​light refreshing breeze. A strip characteristic of marine style clothes remind rolled on shore waves with foam lambs.

Many of the leading designers and fashion houses in the summer season, it turned to a nautical style. And they used not only the usual blue, turquoise and white colors, but also experimented with red, black and beige tones.

On the clothing typical of marine style, very often spotted gilt buttons, all kinds of anchors, buoys and gold chains. To give the image of elegance, many designers use lace or silk. Typically, as the basic material acts jersey.

The strips can be placed not only horizontally, as we have become accustomed, but also vertically, and sometimes even diagonally. Some stylists say that clothes make the man strip visually more. If this is a competent and stylish design in a nautical style, it will only emphasize your taste and elegance of lines.

It should be noted that the fashion for sea style can be traced not only in clothing but also shoes and all sorts of accessories. Harmoniously complete your image will help bags in white and blue stripes, scarves and hats stylized.

The top of the image - a noble light and natural makeup and simple hairstyle. You can simply dissolve hair or make pigtail. Everything should be natural.

It should be noted that the marine style of dress can be applied not only on the coast during the holidays, it is perfect for everyday urban life, bringing a modicum of marine freshness. You can go to the stylish things to work on exhibition in the garden of the child. Nautical theme can be very useful in the bustling metropolis: it recalls the nice vacation, which may be just around the corner, and the clothing itself is comfortable and functional. You can use this style, even in winter - as memories of warm summer days and long awaited vacation. For example, buy a cloak of dark blue color.

Tags: clothes, style, summer, fashion