Shoes transformers

Shoes transformers
 It is well known that all female legs sexier look in high heel shoes. However, the modern woman has a lot of walking or driving. And then we have to choose: either look good or to take care of comfort. Fortunately, modern technology make it possible to combine both of these qualities in one pair of shoes. Shoes transformers recently were born, but already managed to get the recognition of many women. Flick of the wrist, and elegant hairpin turns into a comfortable ballet flats or shoes with low heels.

Some shoe manufacturers presented their new collections in the model of shoes. This novelty was the salvation for many women. Now even an active lifestyle can be combined with elegance. The peculiarity of this shoe is the ability to adjust the height of the heel. In the office or on the town ladies can walk to the small heel height of 2, 5 cm, which is optionally converted into a gorgeous stud!

Typically, this type of shoes comprise a mechanism which prevents the heel when walking arise. The sole of this shoe is very soft and flexible, because it has to change their shape. The transformation itself is very easy: you have to slightly delay the lower part of the heel, fold it in and fix a shoe. Now the cost of this model in Western countries is about $ 300 per couple.

There is another variation on the theme of shoes, Transformers. It is designed for women behind the wheel who have to keep in the car spare pair of shoes, suitable for transport management. British insurer Sheilas' Wheels also released a special pair of shoes with a collapsible heel. Called this model Sheila Driving Heel. Unlike the above model is that the heel is not shortened, and disappears. Sexy studs turn into ballet flats, comfortable to work with pedals.

Minus of both shoes is that there is the risk of scratching the heel of stones piled Russian city roads and sidewalks. Therefore, to walk in these shoes should be only on smooth and clean surface.

Tags: shoe, convertible, auto, bolt, sheila, camileon