How to determine the shoe size

How to determine the shoe size
 Oddly enough, the size of the feet - not a constant value. Not to mention the fact that the foot is growing by an average person to reach the age of 18, women foot size may increase after pregnancy and childbirth, and over the years, and the extra kilos leg often increases in width. How do you determine your adult shoe size?  
 In Russia, shoe size is determined, as a rule, only the length of the foot. To determine your size, please be two sheets of paper, a pencil and a ruler. Put the foot on the prepared sheets. Pencil, hold to be at right angles to the paper, trace the contour of the foot. As a result, you get a picture of two tracks. Define each of these, the most distant points, one of which is located on the site of the thumb, the other - on the site of the heel. Using a ruler, measure the distance between these points. To the resulting value priplyusuet kind of "increase the free encirclement" - 5 mm. Choose your size from the table below. An important point: the left and right foot a few times vary in length. To determine your shoe size, consider the greatest value.

Women's Sizes
34 - 22, 5 cm
35 - 23 cm
36 - 23, 5 cm
37 - 24 cm
37 5 - 24 5 cm
38 - 25 cm
38 5 - 25 5 cm
39 - 26 cm
40 - 26, 5 cm
41 - 27 cm
41 5 - 27 5 cm

Men's sizes
42 - 28 cm
42 5 - 28 5 cm
43 - 29 cm
44 - 29, 5 cm
45 - 30 cm
46 - 30, 5 cm
47 - 31 cm
47 5 - 31 5 cm

With regard to completeness, in local stores somehow opened, that she not taken into account. In extreme cases, Sales can say about a particular model, that "it at full leg."

For those who have problems with the selection of shoes for completeness, we can recommend to pay attention to offers of foreign footwear via the Internet. In foreign manufacturers there are about 17 of completeness, which are labeled as 6A, 5A, 4A, 3A, 2A, A, B, C, D, E, F, 2F, 3F, 4F, 5F, 6F. There are also such completeness as E2, E3, E4. Sometimes uses a different naming system completeness: SSS, SS, S, M, W, WW, WWW. In both cases, the "step" between the fullness - 5mm. To accurately determine the desired fullness, use the tables that are always available in online stores that sell shoes.

Tags: size, shoes, matching length