How nice to go to Kabuki

How nice to go to Kabuki
 Speaking about the ability to walk nicely on his heels, implied or shoes heels high heels. Women prefer to wear ballet flats, loafers or small heels, practically do not change their natural gait. In order to walk in high heels was not the flour and look aesthetically pleasing, it is important to observe a number of rules.

When we heard the phrase famous song Yuri Antonov "flying gait you came out in May, and disappeared from view in a shroud of January," conjure fabulous pictures. Before my eyes the image of a fairy gets up, walking, without touching the ground.
It's really kind of a fairy tale. After all, light and weightless gait is not unique to every woman. Especially if the lady prefers shoes with heels. Often, it can be seen as representative of the beautiful half of humanity are on his heels, as though for them it is overwork. The challenge is really not easy. That, however, is beautiful to walk in high heels, you can learn.
In order to walk in shoes with heels was graceful and theatrical, it is important to put the foot. Taking a step, you first need to rely on the heel, and then move seamlessly to toe. If you put your foot completely on the whole foot, the knee is bent and gait becomes overweight. often can be seen that ladies clothing shoes with heels, start "clubfoot". This is not surprising. When sock wrapped inside, resistance increases. Nevertheless, to improve the aesthetics of gait, socks must look apart.
It is important to remember that walk forward, you must first raise the body, and then the leg. Step length must be equal to the length of the unshod foot, then step will not bounce, but a calm and smooth. Keep in mind that the one leg, which moved the weight at the moment, should remain straight. So you can avoid the "bent" feet.
Heels in no case should not be a size smaller. They should match the size of his feet and have a comfortable shoe. In order to avoid injury and make gait "flying" leg should be comfortable. Therefore, choosing shoes must be like it on a trading hall for 10-15 minutes. Better choose genuine leather shoes, it will foot feel more comfortable.
Girls whose growth does not exceed 170 cm, should not wear heels over 10 cm. There will be a visual imbalance.
If it is difficult to just "get on studs", should be trained on a high platform. Platform release excessive load on the legs and they are less tired. It can be learned easily and walk nicely.
To walk in high heels does not cause discomfort in the spine, you need to keep your back straight, shoulders expand and raise the head to the chin "looked" forward. In other words, "keep your posture." Not worth walks as described Leah Akhedzhakova in the movie "Office Romance": "all skukozhilas as old ragged head, slouched and scratches ..." Gait must be elegant and plastic, "plastic panther before the jump." Hurry, walking in heels, it is not necessary, and even more so for someone running to catch up.
All those wishing to learn a sport, such as walking in high heels, doctors recommend exercise the calf muscles of the legs. To do this, with a fitness center or just a lot of walking. The legs should be strong enough to walk in high heels did not torture.
It is not recommended to walk in high heels girls at a young age, 12-17 years, especially if there are problems with the spine.
It should also be remembered that women with varicose vein disease, a disease of the spine and overweight is better to give up high heels. Boating on them can lead to undesirable consequences.

Tags: arm, shoulder, toe, stiletto heel, Kabuki