Where to buy shoes in small sizes

Where to buy shoes in small sizes
 Little feet has always been considered the dignity of women, a sign of noble birth. No wonder the Chinese women have suffered such anguish artificially stopping the growth of the foot. And today little feet decorated with a woman, she adds elegance, sophistication, femininity. But here lies another problem: pick shoes small size is very difficult! Where and what kind of shoes you can buy?

Owners of tiny feet are constantly faced with the fact that buy shoes small size is very difficult. Usually shoes for adults begins with the thirty-fifth or thirty-sixth the size, and the size of the legs of some young ladies - and even thirty-three thirty-two!

The easiest option - to go to the store children's shoes. Oh, there is something for sure you will find the required size. But with the choice of the model will have more complicated. In children's stores you can find cute shoes and sneakers of different colors and styles. Some models can be immediately put to rest because of the abundance of cartoon characters, balloons and ribbons, but there is also a very decent options. Designers children's shoes often decorate it with rhinestones, causing beautiful prints. Besides, the requirements for child footwear, generally higher than for an adult. That's why you can be sure that these shoes will be comfortable, practical, and will not cause harm to the legs.

Harder is the case with shoes and sandals with high heels. As a rule, little foot boast low women, and they sometimes want to put on shoes with high heels studs to give the image of solemnity and style. And here there are problems. In the children's stores simply do not sell shoes and sandals with high heels, children do not wear these shoes.

The first option - to order shoes in the studio or in a shoe factory. There will produce shoes right under you, taking into account the length and width of the foot. These shoes are unique in that their chief charm. But that's the price to order shoes can be very high.

Another option - to visit a salon brand shoes. Designers sometimes produce collections from the dimension line with the thirty-third and thirty-second even size. So, Baldinini, Givenchy, Nando Muzi, Loretta Pettinari and Loriblu produce shoes in small sizes. Their value is generally higher than the market, but significantly lower than the order. In addition, these shoes are very stylish, colorful and fashionable.

Buy shoes in small sizes can also be in the East, such as Japan and Thailand. Foot size inhabitants of these countries in general smaller than the Europeans, and it is likely to find a suitable model. Here are just a warm winter boots there are hard to find, due to climatic conditions in Thailand, they simply do not need.

Some online stores specialize in selling shoes small size. The main disadvantage of online shopping is that you can not try on shoes and sizes from different manufacturers may differ slightly from each other. The best option - to try on shoes desired brand in the store, even if there is not the right size, estimate the size you want, and then ordered through the Internet.

Tags: shop, size, shoes, small