How to tie shoelaces

How to tie shoelaces
 Laces on the shoes will not only help to keep it on your feet. They can be used as a beautiful and bright attribute, a distinctive feature of the social group. Shoelaces in any case, you have nice tie.
 Make at both ends of the lace loop, running them through each other. Then tighten the knot. Additionally, you can cross the ends of the lace loops with each other, and then pull the ends through the hole in the center. This node effect is symmetrical and safe.

Another beautiful node can be called "two-hinge". Make familiar loops on each end of the lace, and then fasten them so that the output end of the same side. This is necessary for the assembly strength. Otherwise, it is easy to unleash. In addition, the ends can cross, double threading them into the hole, and then tighten. This will add an additional node volume and elegance.

You can also use a two-step assembly. It is great for shoes and boot. The name of this node is received for a way of tying - in two stages. At first it is necessary to tie it, pulling the end of the string with one hand. In the second stage make a loop at the free end of the lace and tie. Such a node are more reliable, since it is necessary to unleash a pull on both ends of the lace.

Try to use the site and "tighten". Unlike the previous ones, it is asymmetric. Make a loop at each end. Pass one loop to another. And then pull the tip of the lace and the loop on the opposite cord. Knot tightened.

Try to experiment in tying shoelaces with one hand and brought them both through one hole in the shoe lace wrapped around the end of one second, leave outside the loop and tighten the knot.

For each type of shoe laces color and length suitable its node. His choice and may also affect the clothing that you are wearing. Find something that works well, you can. Try and experiment. Bearing in mind the reliability of nodes.

Tags: method, the node length, knotting