How to choose a comfortable high-heeled shoes

How to choose a comfortable high-heeled shoes
 Doctors scare women, constantly wearing high-heeled shoes, a variety of health problems, such as flat feet, corns, etc. Still, the desire to look slimmer and sexier many, many women make, ignoring the warnings of doctors, again and again to choose high-heeled shoes. And how do without it when the shoes - that's half of the image, and the image I want to rock?

In this case, you need to choose the lesser of two evils: if the high-heeled shoes, so the most convenient! First of all, you need to choose the right shoes, its size. As you know, a foot in the evening increases slightly, and in women with this predisposition, feet can swell significantly. Therefore, a shopping trip for shoes better plan for the afternoon.

Hesitating to buy, make sure that the shoes are too tight nowhere, not cut into the skin and do not rub. For this store must resemble slippers at least fifteen or twenty minutes. On the other hand, we should not forget that genuine leather shoes to wear, as a rule, break in, it becomes more free, so if trying on leather (suede) shoes, you feel that they are a little big, do not rush to buy them. Generally, an example of its size shoes, not too lazy to ask the seller to bring you the same model size bigger and smaller - for comparison.

It is also important having a good arch support insoles with. If you choose shoes for every day, stop for a very solid, thick heels. It may be worth a closer look at the shoes with hidden platform: visually they will make you above and at the same time a little platform compensate heel height. To avoid such injuries feet as sprains and strains, it is better to opt for a model with straps.

In conclusion, I want to say that whatever comfortable high-heeled shoes you choose, during the day you need to rest your feet from time to time in pereobuvayas shoes without a heel, with a lower heel, walk barefoot as much as possible, and in the evening take the time for a massage your tired feet with the use of a good cream.

Tags: heel, selection, shoe