From what to wear white shoes

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 For white shoes is difficult to pick up clothes. On the one hand, there is some form of roughness, and the other - demanding elegant color.

Shoes in the women's locker room used mainly in the youth fashion and sports style. White color complicates the problem, because it attracts attention. Unfortunately, these shoes fit in a strict business suit virtually impossible.

If you put these shoes, and other clothing should be present white color, otherwise will be visible only to your feet. The easiest way to wear them with white pants or jeans, you can think of other ways.

For example, these shoes will look adorable with a short white coat, of course, if you're wearing a skirt. Alternatively, outerwear can be a different color, but then need accessories- white scarf, belt, headpiece. For example, a black coat in this case will create an elegant image. Well, if the collar and trim pockets, too, will be white.

High lace-up boots can be worn with a skirt. It should be above the knee, it is desirable to fold. This youth version, more feminine combination with a knitted get monotonous dress. This outfit should be complemented by a white belt, bags and other accessories.

Donning white shoes, pay attention to the pantyhose. Ideally, they should be of the same color. If White does not have to be carefully selected others - to the snow-white shoes tights cold, gray shades or subtle physical, the white shoes with a cream shade, you can take a brown or bronze tights.

Hardest sharp-nosed white shoes with low heels. They fit tight-colored pants or breeches worn with a white blouse.

Sports shoes can be worn with shorts. Skirts and dresses are suitable only for sport, such as those which are in women's tennis. If they are not white, you can compensate for this by wearing a white cap. Thin summer trousers made of natural fabrics will also work.

Tags: shoes, boots, white, white, photo, white, lace, shoe