If the heel hollow, choose a hard material, thickness not less than 4-7 cm. Try the workpiece on the heel, pencil circle, providing a small margin, it is sufficient to 5 mm.
If heels worn diagonally - tweak. Try to trim the file, but be careful. Be sure that the height of both heels. If the sole is strongly skived, stick a few layers of thin rubber sealing skived place.
For the same purposes shoemakers use nylon. To start skived heel must clean and dry. Then prepare a small piece of nylon stocking, enable soldering iron. Take a hot soldering iron, being careful to spend a hot tip the stripped portion - it will become sticky. Attach to the appropriate place nylon, press the soldering iron. Rub material vspuzyrivshiysya heel up until its surface is smooth. At the end of molten nylon is necessary to level the rod tips.
If one of the preserved heels Heel - remove it using a screwdriver. Measure the depth and width of the heel taps, pick up nails - Take 2-3 mm, thicker can be cracked heel.
Take the shoe glue, brush the surface of the heel taps and leave on time - let the glue dry out a bit. Apply another coat if it was absorbed, but then again it is necessary to survive. You can even warm, but not too much - make sure that the material does not melt naboechny.
Firmly press the heel to heel, a little hold hands, line, and cut off the excess. Take nails, hammer, nail them so that the printed cloth lay down tight, and left gaps. Process the heel with a file or sandpaper. Repaired shoes, leave for a day, let the glue dry completely.