How to choose shoes autumn

How to choose shoes autumn
 What makes up the image of a man, his style? There are many answers, but among the first, of course, there will always be shoes. Therefore, it is necessary to choose carefully, and especially in those seasons when on its quality also depends on health, not just beauty. Autumn - this is the season. Therefore, the question of how to choose the autumn shoes, becomes relevant with the advent of slush and chill.

If you open a shoe closet, sadly noticed that last year's boots are out of order, and comfortable shoes are not in harmony with your outfit, you will certainly enjoy a selection of footwear, suitable for autumn.

Remember that Autumn shoes primarily should be warm and comfortable, for this reason, always choose shoes for fall strictly according to the size, giving preference to models not too thin soles to your feet warm and comfortable.

Of course, it's best to buy a pair of the fall season of genuine leather, because these shoes have a water-repellent effect, and therefore your feet will stay dry. But if you are convinced vegetarian and can not afford genuine leather shoes, buy quality shoes from synthetic leather, good, now on the market of footwear from such material enough. Shaft and heel thus depends only on your financial capabilities, the fashion trends of the season and convenience boots. Should not be abused beauty and prefer its convenience: high fashion boots, tight calf girth full legs can lead to trouble, health-related leg.

Autumn is poorly suited for use designer shoes - sleet and slush does not have this. Of course, to have a beautiful closed shoes to exit the theater is necessary, but more important to have a daily shoes, comfortable and safe when walking. Too much narrower shoes or boots, except that create discomfort when moving, and even interfere with blood circulation so that may affect the status of your veins. So, if finances allow, it is better to buy a few pairs of shoes for different occasions.

Now about the fashion trends of the season. If you follow all the fashionable novelties, and a model of style, then by all means get yourself boots. This fall, they are still popular. Depending on the ankle under clothing can look great in a strict office suit, jeans or a flirty mini skirt, as a distinctive feature of this shoe - flexibility, should only choose the right model. Also this fall fashion shoes made of suede with different color inserts and elements of the skin. Looking at the endless windows of shoe stores, think first of all about what shoes your legs will be warm and comfortable.

Tags: autumn, shoes, boots, boots