Green apples can cure even the most chronic and chronic gastritis, it should be cleaned from the fruit peel and grate. Then eat freshly made apple mush in the morning on an empty stomach, refrain from eating for five hours. Continue like this until the cure. Apples contain vitamins B, C, E, P, potassium, carotene, biotin, manganese, iron, sugar, pectin and organic acids. Also included in the plurality of microelements fruit phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, sulfur, vanadium, boron, iodine, nickel, molybdenum, chromium, fluorine, and zinc.
Apples contain chlorogenic acid, promotes the excretion of oxalic acid from the body and the normalization of the liver. These fruits help to normalize the activity of the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract, therefore, have been successfully used to increase appetite and prevent constipation.
Through appropriate pectin fibers, which are contained in large quantities in the skin, apples reduce blood cholesterol levels. Undissolved particles are attached to a molecule of cholesterol and thereby promote its removal, reducing the risk of blockages of blood vessels and of heart attacks. In the peel contains large amounts of antioxidant quercetin, which together with vitamin C prevents the radicals have a negative impact on the human body.
It is recommended to eat green apples people with anemia, vitamin deficiency and a reduced level of hemoglobin. The fruits are used to treat gout and chronic rheumatism, prevent the formation of uric acid. This wonderful fruit increases resistance to radiation exposure and has a bracing effect. Green apples - the perfect diet remedy for broken metabolism and obesity.