Than rich red pepper
According to the content of B vitamins with red hot peppers even ahead of everyone's favorite lemon.
Thanks to Christopher Columbus in the 15th century Europeans first learned of this taste acuity fiery red pepper.
In addition, it contains:
- As vitamins B, E, PP, K;
- Carotene;
- Lycopene, which prevents the development of cancer cells;
- Trace elements - sulfur, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, silicon, chlorine;
- Essential oils;
- Nitrogenous substances.
Effect on the stomach of red hot peppers
Alkaloid, which is part of hot peppers, helps to digest a heavy meal. That is why all the hosts recommended to use red pepper as the main seasoning to the meat. Priperchennoe meat dish of great benefit, because it contains less fat and carbohydrates.
Also, hot pepper has the ability to reduce the calories in a few times. Pieces of pepper, mixing with food under the influence of gastric juice, quickly digested.
However, if you use it you need to know when to stop and consider the fact that for people suffering from acidity, diabetes, liver disease, intestinal ulcers and gastritis pepper is strictly forbidden! These diseases cause heaviness in the stomach, and slow down the digestive tract, and red pepper will only exacerbate the whole process by irritating the gastric mucosa and in helping the acute form of the disease develop into chronic.
The impact on the intestine of red hot pepper
In this case, red pepper is effective only when there are two main factors: a healthy stomach and stable operation of the digestive tract.
It is known that the intestine contain many harmful bacteria, which need to dispose of each day. To the whole process of getting rid passed without delay, you need to watch your diet, daily routine and perform physical activity. Unfortunately, in the confusion of everyday working people rarely watch their diet, which is why 70% of the population suffers from colic, constipation and frequent urge. And if you're not one of those lucky 30%, red peppers will be so helpful. To do this, simply season them with food, and after a while your bowels work again, like clockwork.
Effects on blood clots and cardiovascular system
Scientists have proved that red pepper prevents the causes of thrombosis and related diseases. Since taking an active part in the processes of metabolism, blood nourishes pepper useful elements. A striking feature of having influence on the blood vessels, it can expand them when they are tapered and narrow when they are extended. Thus, red pepper stabilizes the cardiovascular system.
Impact on the male and female body
Red pepper plays an important role in establishing a woman's menstrual cycle. In connection with the emotional turmoil, poor diet and daily routine may occur irregularities in the cycle. To cope with this problem and establish the ovaries can easily help ordinary red pepper seasoning. Due to the constituent elements in a week you go to the amendment.
Remember directly during monthly consumption of hot peppers is strictly prohibited! So it can provoke spasms and increasing pain. In these days is recommended to eat fruits and vegetables.
In addition, hot pepper beneficial effect on potency in men. To do this, you can cook pepper tincture or a delicious spicy dish for dinner. And the result will not wait long. But most importantly, know when to stop! Do not overdo it!
Medicinal properties of red hot pepper
There is a very interesting fact, which suggests that red pepper is suitable for different circumstances. Residents of Mexico drink tea with hot peppers to cool, and the inhabitants of cold countries - to keep warm.
In addition, he is a drug №1 on various occasions. Take note of a few recipes:
- When blood circulation in the legs, type in a basin of hot water and pour there a little more red pepper;
- To slow down the aging process should mix 1 tsp crushed red pepper, 200 grams of honey and 500g butter, you need to take from 3 to 5 times a day for 1 tablespoon until cooked mixture over;
- Radiculitis pour 2 pod hot pepper 400 ml of ammonia, insist in a dark place for 2 weeks, shaking the mixture of 1 times a day, then rub the sore spots composition;
- To enhance the growth of hair, take 4 pod of red hot pepper, pour 500 ml of vodka, let it brew for 3 weeks, then strain and rub 1 time in 2 weeks to 50 ml of tincture into the scalp;
- Pain in the heart take 1 pipette concentrated alcohol tincture of red pepper.
God bless you!