There are many species of plantain, but few have medicinal properties. The most commonly usedplantain large.
This is the most unpretentious weed that grows just like that, in meadows and waste places, roadsides and on the waterfront.
For the preparation of a medicinal plant used leaves, seeds,root of plantainThat contain a lot of nutrients. Scientists have discovered a number of more pectin, flavonoids, amino acids, vitamins and the like. D.
Properties of plantain
Most of us are familiar with from childhoodhealing and antiseptic properties of plantainIt is this piece of paper looking for kids to attach to the broken knees.
In ancient times, it was advised to apply as well to tumors, ulcers, bleeding wounds, since it is able to
Reduces inflammation and stop the bleeding.
Decoctions and infusions of leaves androot of plantain taken orally in diseases of the upper respiratory tract: bronchitis, Qatar, whooping cough. Recommend it and the treatment of asthma, and the seeds are used to prepare drugs for tuberculosis.
Traditional healers use plantain as an expectorant with a strong cough, and for the treatment of mumps (mumps infection) are advised to hang around the neck
root of plantain.
Preparations of plantain, including sap, from ancient times to the present day are considered a good tool for the treatment of diseases of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract. Theirantiinflammatory properties used for the treatment of gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, enteritis and others.
From the seeds of the plant are preparing a meal for constipation bowel, and in ancient timesantiseptic properties of plantain widely used for treatment of dysentery.
Infusion of seeds and now recommend for gastric and intestine. During an exacerbation this tool helps to relieve pain.
Bactericidal, painkillersAnti-inflammatoryproperties of plantain allow its use for the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. Just psyllium preparations have diuretic effects.
From the leaves of plantain prepared medicated oil, with which you can get rid of mikrovospaleny skin, acne vulgaris, and other cosmetic defects. Scientists have found that plantain goodstimulates the regeneration of the skinAs well as successfullystruggling with many kinds of bacteria and kills germs.
Helpsplantain and toothache colds and rheumatic: broth rinse the mouth, ear, layroot of plantainWrapped in a layer of gauze.
In the same broth can be used to strengthen the gums.
Since olden timeshealing properties of plantain used to treat male and female infertility, as well as menstrual disorders, pain and excessive bleeding in women.
Impotence in men (impotence) healers are advised to treat infusion of plantain, brewing dry arrows plants with seeds.
When sperm immobility Chinese experts advise men to use
root of plantain. Infusion is prepared from the root and add it to the mud baths.
Helpsplantain and liver disease. In particular the infusion of plantain leaves is recommended to take cholecystitis.
Dry root of plantain used in the treatment of diseases of the thyroid and adrenal gland inflammation.
Plantain is rich in vitaminsIncluding vitamin C. Therefore, physicians are strongly advised not to neglect this grass in the spring, when our body is in such need of useful substances after a long winter.
Of course, the most useful plants in fresh form, added to salads and cold soups, but it is also possible to cook soup and hot soup, vegetable casseroles, and so on. D.
For the treatment of epilepsy and asthma since ancient times was recommended therapeutic lentil soup with plantain.
Can be usefuluseful properties of plantain and heavy smokers.
Cossacks, for example, were able to prepare a special broth, which fed his brethren to those gone hunting to smoke a pipe. Before you send ambassadors for any need, they fed this broth, so they are not distracted by smoking and could think clearly. The longer accepted a broth, the longer was the effect.
There are also recipes from plantain medication that helps to get rid of smoker's cough.
Despite all usefulproperties of plantainSome people should use it with caution or even refuse treatment this plant. Like This,not recommended take drugs plantain people suffering from diseases of the stomach with acidity.
Just do not use it (especially fresh juice) to those who are prone to blood clots.
If you are not sure of the exact diagnosis, before applying the leaves, juice, seeds, root of plantainConsult a physician.
Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady