Myth 1: Hormones - a special birth control pills for women
No. Hormonal treatments - A medicine obtained synthetically. They act like a natural hormone produced in the body. In humans, many organs that secrete hormones: male and female sex organs, endocrine glands, central nervous system and others. Accordingly, hormone drugs may be different and designate them with a variety of diseases.
Female hormones (contain female hormones) can have as a contraceptive effect, and did not possess. Sometimes, on the contrary they normalize hormones and promote pregnancy. Preparations containing male sex hormones, to men with declining quality of sperm (ie sperm motility), and hypofunction, reducing the level of male sex hormones.
Myth 2: Hormones are prescribed only for very serious diseases
No. There are a number of minor illnesses, for which also prescribe hormones. For example, the reduction of the thyroid gland (hypofunction). Doctors often prescribe hormones, in this case, e.g., thyroxine or eutiroks.
Myth 3: If time does not drink hormonal pills, nothing terrible will happen
No. Hormonal drugs should be taken strictly by the hour. For example, hormonal contraceptive pill is valid for 24 hours. Accordingly, be sure to once a day is necessary to drink it. There are drugs that you need to drink 2 times a day. These are some of the male sex hormones, and corticosteroids (e.g., dexamethasone). Moreover, it is recommended to take hormones at the same time. If you drink hormones irregularly, or even forget to drink, the level of the hormone can dramatically decrease.
For example, if a woman forgets to drink hormonal contraceptive pill, the next day she has to drink the morning forgotten evening, the evening of the same day - another pill. If the interval between doses was more than a day (recall: hormonal contraceptive pill is valid for 24 hours), the level of hormones in the blood will drop dramatically.
In response to this will necessarily spotting. In such cases it is possible to continue receiving the pill, but additionally protected during next week. If after more than 3 days, you have to stop taking hormones stredstv use other contraception, wait for the arrival of menstruation and further consult with your doctor.
Myth 4: If you take hormones, they accumulate in the body
No. When hormone enters the body, it immediately breaks down into compounds that are then excreted output. For example, the pill is destroyed and "leaves" from the body within days: this is why you need to drink it, and every 24 hours.
Need to know: prolonged mechanism of action of hormones is not associated with their accumulation in the body. Just this is the principle of action of these drugs, "work" through other body structures.
However, hormones continue to "work" even after they stopped taking both. But they act indirectly. For example, a woman a few months drinking hormonal pills, then stop taking them, and in the future she had no problems with the cycle.
Why is this happening? Hormonal drugs act on various ORGAN "target". For example, female contraceptive pills acts on the ovaries, uterus, mammary gland, brain regions. When the tablet is "gone" from the body, the mechanism of which it launched, continues to work.
Myth 5: If pregnancy hormones are not prescribed
Discharged. If a woman before pregnancy were hormonal disorders, during gestation she needs medicinal support to development of male and female hormones were normal, and the child developed normally.
Or other situation. Before pregnancy, a woman was all right, but with the onset of her when something went wrong. For example, she suddenly notices that began intensive body hair from the navel down and around the nipples.
In this case, be sure to consult your doctor, who may prescribe hormonal examination, and if necessary to write and hormones. Not necessarily the female sex - it can be, for example, adrenal hormones.
Myth 6: Do hormonal drugs side effects of weight in the first place - weight gain
Drugs completely without side effects are rare. But it is necessary to distinguish the side effects that do not require discontinuation of the drug. For example, breast tenderness when taking contraceptive hormones is considered a normal phenomenon.
Poor spotting in the first or second month of reception in the intermenstrual period, too, have a right to be. Headache, dizziness, fluctuations in weight (plus or minus 2 kg) - this is not a sign of pathology and disease.
Hormonal drugs are prescribed for a sufficiently long period of time. The body at the end of the first month adapts, and everything comes back to normal.
But that was not really serious problems, for example, with the vessels before prescribing medication and during the reception necessarily need to be examined and tests. Only a doctor can prescribe you a specific hormonal drug that will not harm your health.
Myth 7: The hormone is always possible to find an alternative
Not always. There are situations when hormones are indispensable. For instance, a woman under the age of 50 years have been spayed. As a result, she quickly begins to age and lose health.
In this case, her body up to 55-60 years of age must be maintained hormone therapy. Of course, provided that its underlying disease (due ovaries which have been removed) has no contraindications for this purpose.
Moreover, in certain diseases of the female sex hormones can strongly recommend even neuropsychiatrist. For example, depression.
Myths about hormonal preparations
The appointment of hormonal drugs often scares people. Around hormones got a lot of myths, most of which is fundamentally wrong.
Tags: body effect, pregnancy, Ambassador, sciatica, depression, watches, tablet consequence, a hormone producer, review, appointment, prescription, influence the rate of increase, support, development, medicine, drug, body phenomenon, aging, myth, Elena, Angelica, blockade, accordion