In health purposes used fruit (berries) juniper, which ripen in mid-autumn, have a sweet taste and unique flavor. Harvested fruit is dried in a well ventilated area and kept in a breathable container. The only "but": juniper drugs havecontraindications, They are not recommended for persons suffering from serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney disease, and pregnancy (may cause miscarriage).
Application for health purposes (medicinal properties of juniper)
Our ancestors used juniper as disinfectants: its smoke fumigated accommodation and clothing, juniper infusion wiped floors and washed the dishes in the house of a sick person. In Russia, juniper was considered a talisman, protector from evil spirits, its branches laid out in the houses, hung behind the iconostasis.Medicinal properties of juniper determined by its rich chemical composition. The essential oil of the plant contains flavonoids, resins, organic acid salts of potassium, pectin and tannins. Medicinal properties of juniper are caused by substances such as terpineol and yunenon that have a strong disinfectant and diuretic effects. Other chemical components of essential oil of juniper - APINA - is an effective antihistamine.
External application of oil gives a good pharmacological effect radiculitis and rheumatic pains - it is used for external grinding. Juniper included in the fees recommended in asthma, arthritis, gout, kidney disease and cholecystitis. Infusion of fruits used as a choleretic, diuretic swelling, to improve digestion. You can cook it at home: for it pour 10-15 dried Juniper boiling water (200 ml), allow to stand, take a tablespoon several times a day.
Medicinal properties of juniper use and neuroses. In this case, the bath with needles of this plant: a glass raw material is boiled in a liter of water, then filtered and poured into the bath infusion. Water temperature - 37 degrees, the duration of treatment - 20-25 minutes. These baths are good for patients and endarteritis (peripheral circulatory disorders), help for gout, joint pain and sciatica. Additionally, it is recommended to take the infusion of juniper (30-40 g of fruit per cup of boiling water) inside - 1/3 cup several times a day. A fresh fruit juniper will help improve the quality of blood: chew them on an empty stomach every day - starting with a single berry and gradually increasing the intake to 15 units, and then reduce the number in reverse order.
Raw berries are used for removing worms (healing properties of juniper have a wide range) - it is preparing a special herbal tea. Tablespoon of the mixture of herbs (horsetail, rhizome wheat grass, leaves of bearberry leaves licorice, parsley, cornflower and birch buds) was mixed with a tablespoon of juniper berries and brewed cup of boiling water. Insist, cool, filter and allow the patient to 30-50 ml before meals (3-4 times per day).
Usefulhealing properties of juniper and colds: ARD, pleurisy, pneumonia. Broth Juniper is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of raw materials (fruit), pour boiling water (2 cups), boiled for 15 minutes, strain and the infusion was adjusted to the original volume. Take 100 ml before meals a day 3 times. In diseases of the mouth (stomatitis) or angina helps a broth: Art. a spoonful of raw pour boiling water (200 ml), insist the lid and rinse it with a solution of the mouth and throat.
Medicinal properties of juniper used in fevers - he has a good diaphoretic action. To do this, prepare a tincture (and help in diseases of the urinary system): squeeze the juice of juniper berries and add the honey (1: 1 ratio). Take the morning, afternoon and evening for dessert spoon. When inflammation of the bladder can take the next broth 2 tsp. Juniper berries (medicinal properties they are particularly pronounced) chop, pour hot water (1 cup) and let stand for 2-3 hours. During the day, to use the entire volume.
Medicinal properties of juniper stimulate secretory and motor function of the intestine; preparations on the basis of this plant is removed spasm of the sphincter and stop the fermentation process. Prepare a tasty, healthy syrup Juniper: 100 g berries cook until soft (400 ml water), strain and add 5-6 Art. spoons of sugar. Add syrup tea or take 1-2 tablespoons daily - this will help you to normalize the digestive system
Svetlana Krutova